Two thirds of Spaniards associate flexible hours with productivity

The hybrid work model has been implemented in many companies to guarantee the employee satisfaction. Currently, globally, 46% of employees work from the office, 29% do so in a hybrid way and 25% completely remotely.

Thus, 54% of employees are working hybrid or completely remote, but the majority affirm that they would return to work 100% face-to-face, in exchange for food benefits (catering) or transportation, according to the conclusions of the Hybrid Work Report (Hybrid Work Report) 2023 from HubSpot, the CRM platform for growing businesses.

For this report, HubSpot surveyed 5,000 employees at companies in 10 different countries and found that while the world has seen a shift in the way we work in 2021 and 2022, employees are looking to communicate and create more than ever. a sense of community.

In Spain, the trend is towards a gradual reduction of teleworking. According to data from the National Observatory for Technology and Society (ONTSI), remote work drops to 12.5% ​​in our country. The adoption of teleworking is unevenly distributed among European countries. According to the latest data published by Eurostat, in 2021, with an average of 24%, the Netherlands is the Member State with the highest implementation (53.8%), followed by Sweden (46.2%) and Luxembourg (45.1% ). Spain is below the European average with 15.3%.

Connection and sense of community

Among other findings, HubSpot highlights the importance of connecting and creating a sense of community for businesses, especially in a hybrid or remote work context, where people are distanced from one another. Regardless of whether the modality is remote, face-to-face or hybrid, the connection plays a crucial role in talent retention.

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Thus, the study shows that, 66% of people respondents stated that having a close friend at work influences in his intention to stay in the company. Furthermore, 33% of staff in hybrid mode think that developing relationships and establishing bonds are the biggest drawbacks of working this way. And this is imposed on remuneration since 52% prioritize good relations at work compared to 48% who give more importance to the 10% salary increase.

Connection is the foundation of high-performance teams. Thus, 31% of those surveyed think that a good connection between team members would help improve the customer experience, especially in large organizations with more than 1,000 employees. People remotely would have preferred more opportunities to communicate with others during the onboarding process, either in person (54%) or virtually (38%).

Talking about mental health and well-being at work is no longer taboo

Talking about mental health and well-being at work is no longer taboo, it has become essential. Now more than ever, spaces are needed where people can share their experiences and interact freely. Despite the fact that 40% of people say that they will probably resign from their position in 2023, more than a third say that the relationship with their colleagues influences their decision to stay.

People who feel a stronger link to corporate culture from your company have mental health problems or quit their job.

For people considering quitting, older generations are more likely to indicate that peer relationships are a factor that motivates them to stay at their current employer, while younger generations are more concerned with the future. Support your mental health. The group between 18 and 24 years considers it important to have mental health initiatives, 33%.

In matters of reconciliation, 66% of the people surveyed think that having a flexible schedule would help them improve their productivity, and among them, people in general positions hold more of this opinion than those in managerial positions. Among the reasons why staff in hybrid mode choose to go to the office, the fact of relating better with colleagues, chosen by 43% of those surveyed, and communicating better with the team, 40%, stand out.

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