Why you may need a green screen on your PC?

Over time, most of us have gone from using cameras to take photos and videos with family or friends on trips, to become the guest stars of countless gatherings, teleworking videoconferences and content that he has given us to do to see if we can get a few thousand followers on YouTube, Twitch, etc. But do you really need a green screen?

A tool to have on hand

When one thinks of a green screen, one automatically thinks that it is an accessory only for users with aspirations of youtuber, streamer, influencers, etc., when it is not. Although we do not consciously fall into it, practically every day we expose ourselves to activities that involve a camera and in which, if we used a green screen, the results of what we do would go up many integers.

For example, when we telework or teach a class remotely or join meetings with the whole team, clients, friends, etc. Each one has a background behind them, that of the room from which they are connecting, while others try the virtual background of Zoom, Teams, etc., that doesn’t look good at all. There are times when the cuts are too abrupt, the computer cannot identify the figure who is speaking and the fusion with the background ends in disaster.

So yes, whether you are going to dedicate yourself to the facet gaming to put your body on a gameplaysuch as if you want the virtual background you are using to fit perfectly to your outline in a video call, only with a green screen can you fix things although, yes, you will need to know how to use some of the most popular broadcast programs (OBS, Premiere…) on the market to have these functions to replace the famous color green by the background of the video or the chosen source.

Is a green screen expensive?

The great news is that no, there are cheap ones. Above all if we compare the current scenario with what it was a decade ago access to an audiovisual accessory of this type, we now have models to capture the entire body, rollable and washable, which will cost you just 17 euros although, yes, you must have a frame with tripods and bars to hold it in a well lit place. These models are perfect for canned video recordings since for a live show, if only you are going to control it, its use is too complicated.

Other really useful models for both teleworking meetings and gaming are those that they can be attached to the chair in which we sit, They are rigid and guarantee that they cover the entire part contourable of our figure. They are not expensive, they fold up to occupy a minimum space (when we want to save the green screen) and their price does not rise too much, around 20 euros. Remains a perfect accessory for all budgets.

In any case, there are countless models in online stores for one, two or more people at the same time, hanging and standing, so you can find a perfect alternative to meet your needs depending on the job you are going to do. And best of all, the final result will be so precise that it will seem that you are inside the very map of call of duty.

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