
You may be paying more for your Internet than you should; Check it

Check if you are paying more for Internet

The current fiber optic speeds have nothing to do with the ADSL of a few years ago. The difference can be more than important and it can be useful in many cases to have the maximum speed. But of course, this is not always the case. You don’t always need it and, furthermore, you won’t always be able to take advantage of that contracted speed. Therefore, you may be interested pay less for a lower rate. What can you take into account?

Analyze the use you give to the Internet

The first thing to look at is the What use are you going to make of the Internet?. Are you going to connect many devices or just a computer and a mobile? Are you going to play online, use the cloud and watch streaming videos or basically surf and little else? This will already give you clues as to whether you are going to need a lot of available bandwidth or not. Keep these key points in mind:

  • The more devices connected, the more bandwidth needed
  • If you play, use the cloud or use platforms like Netflix you need good speed
  • Number of people at home: there may be a large consumption at the same time

When you have analyzed all this, you can already have an idea if you need a lot of speed or not. Think that to watch a video in Streaming in 4K it is enough to have 25 Mbps. On the other hand, if you are going to upload many videos to YouTube or large files to the cloud, the higher the upload speed, the better. You can take into account the speed needed for the cloud.

For basic Internet use, to watch the occasional video, use the cloud sporadically, download from time to time or simply browse, you don’t need great speed. You don’t need 1 Gbps. Not even having several hundred Mbps available. Having basic fiber optics will be more than enough.

Check the capacity of your devices

But you should also look at the capacity of computers or mobiles What do you use to navigate? You could have 1 Gbps fiber optics and pay for it, but instead be connected to the Internet from a computer that does not have a Gigabit Ethernet port or the Wi-Fi network card it has is old and you do not receive even half of what you contracted.

Therefore, take a good look at the capacity of your devices and avoid paying for something that you are not really going to take advantage of. You could save money if you contract a lower rate and your day to day would not change anything when browsing the Internet.

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Compare rates and calculate

Finally, another key point is compare rates and calculate. Is it worth paying €10 more, for example, for having 1 Gbps instead of 600 Mbps? Is it enough to have 300 Mbps instead of 500? Everything will depend on what you need in your day to day, your devices and the value you really give to having more or less speed.

You can probably see that a lower rate is more than enough for you and you can save money every month. If you want to reduce your monthly bills, something that you can take into account is changing the rate you have contracted for the Internet. As we say, you will find many available.

In short, you can review the rate you have contracted for the Internet and see if you really need to have something like this or you can hire a cheaper one. You may not really take advantage of it and may save money.

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