3 ways to send photos by WhatsApp without pixelating or losing quality

WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging platform in the world and, in some countries, it has even come to replace voice calls. As we all know, WhatsApp not only allows us to send text messages, but also allows us to send all kinds of multimedia content in addition to making video calls, although the quality is not always the best, especially if we use mobile data.

However, when sending both videos and photos, these are not always sent in their original resolution and size, since the platform takes care of reducing both aspects so that they take up less space and thus avoid server saturation. Among the different options that WhatsApp makes available to us, we did not find any that allow us to maintain the resolution of the images and videos. Fortunately, we have several options to deceive WhatsApp and that do not change the resolution or size of images and videos that we share through this platform.

Send content as file

The easiest method to prevent WhatsApp from compressing the content, regardless of whether it is an image or a video, is to share it as if it were a document. The Meta messaging platform does not compress the size of the files that are shared. Nor does it check what type of document it is, so we can use this option to send images and files in their original resolution, thus avoiding lose quality during the process.

To send an image or video passing it off as a document, we just have to click on the clip located just in front of the text box and select the option Document to then select the image or video that we want to share. This is especially useful when we want to share a video that is longer than 3 minutes or whose size exceeds 16 MB. The maximum duration that a WhatsApp video can have is 3 minutes and 16 MB.

Share with a link

Another interesting option that we can also use to send images and videos in their original resolution is to use a storage platform in the cloud to select the files and share it through a link, a link that we will send through WhatsApp so that the recipients have access to the content on their original resolution.

compress the files

We can also compress the files and share it as if it were a file. Windows includes a format for the ZIP file format, which will allow us to compress all the files that we are going to share in order to share them much faster and without losing quality. To compress the photos and videos in a file, we just have to select them with the mouse, place the mouse over them and with the right mouse button, select the Send to option, and then Compressed folder (in ZIP).

Next, we go to WhatsApp, select on the clip that is displayed to the left of the text box and select the file that we have created. The maximum size that the documents that are sent as a file through WhatsApp can occupy is 100 MB.

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