The Spanish company, Quantic Nanotech, has developed a pioneering technology capable of reducing pain caused by osteoarthritis of the hands. In addition, in different clinical trials with patients, it has been possible to demonstrate that the devices can also slow the progression of the disease in the vast majority of patients.
Jose Luis de la Torre He is an engineer whose life changed when, in 2002, he had to undergo spinal surgery from which he would come out with osteoarthritis, severe pain and a prognosis that pointed to the loss of strength in his hands.
Patients with osteoarthritis must undergo a series of treatments based on paraffin baths, short wave and physiotherapy among many others. With a history of more than 30 years creating and patenting different technological devices, and in this context, José Luis decided to create a solution that would allow all these treatments to be combined. Thus began the development of gloves that emit a series of electrostimuli that help alleviate pain and even slow down the progression of osteoarthritis, still incurable today.
These gloves are a consumable device that deliver heat and a specific proprietary pattern of vibrations to the joint area of the fingers. The company has been based on the use of the most modern technologies, using shape memory materialsmicrocircuits for mechanical transduction and thermal regulation.
The advances experienced with these revolutionary gloves allow the improvement of pain and the functional capacity of patients suffering from this disease, and open the opportunity to continue with new state-of-the-art controlled clinical trials.
Comfort, ergonomic design and ease of use have been determining factors in obtaining the award. These Quantic Nanotech gloves allow their use in daily 15 minute sessionsproduce significant relief from joint pain, while reducing stiffness and functional disability, significantly improving the patient’s quality of life.
Gloves controlled via smartphone
These advances applied by Nanotech in the field of the latest technologies, allow the gloves to be controlled through the smartphone, or in a network, as an IoT device (internet of things), allowing their remote monitoring and adjustment by health professionals, individualizing the therapeutic program of each patient.
They are comfortable, ergonomic and easy to use gloves. It is enough to use them in two sessions of 15 minutes a day, in which painful timesto obtain significant pain relief, reduce stiffness and functional disability.
Quantic Nanotech continues with new clinical trials highly promising in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hands. It has also begun developing its technology to adapt it to other parts of the body that can suffer from the same disorders and pain caused by osteoarthritis, such as fingers and feet.
The technological advancement of these devices has allowed the startup to be recently awarded at the Geneva Invention Fair 2023, for his great contribution in the field of improving the treatment and functionality of patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the hands. This invention develops a consumer device that provides heat and a specific proprietary pattern of vibrations in the joint area of the fingers.
This award is added to those obtained by this product in various international events such as Las Vegas, New York, Dubai, InPEX Pittsburgh and ITEX Indonesia.