Be careful, this is the most common mistake that leaves you without collecting unemployment

Most people in this country would love to have a steady job so they can live more comfortably. However, as many of you already know, this is not always possible, so sometimes we are forced to collect unemployment waiting to find a new job.

This is an unemployment benefit referring to a certain amount of money that we receive periodically depending on the years of contributions, among other things. There is no doubt that this help that we can access is a support for many while they look for another job to hold on to. There are many individuals and families who depend on this benefit to be able to live in a dignified manner for a certain period of time. And it is necessary to take into account that unemployment is not infinite, at least in most cases, since it is limited to a certain number of months.

It must be taken into account that after the pandemic that the vast majority of us have suffered in recent months, access to the unemployment offices has been greatly restricted. This is something that is extended to many other entities to which hundreds or thousands of people used to go daily. This means that there are certain negotiations related to our unemployment instants it is preferable to carry out through the internet, as is the case at hand.

With this, what we want to tell you is that, if we do not carry out certain maintenance tasks of our benefit, we could stop collecting unemployment.

This ruling could cause you to stop collecting unemployment

We are not only referring to the renewal that must be done periodically in order to continue charging this unemployment benefit. Many think that by carrying out this procedure everything is solved, but there is a simpler as well as common error that could lead us to stop collecting this money. Specifically, we are referring to the possibility, for some reason, that we no longer have bank account access where the default provision is entered.

As you can imagine, this can be a serious inconvenience, since we could not receive the corresponding money from unemployment as to date. But we are going to talk about a useful solution with which you can change the bank account where you receive unemployment, all through the Internet. That way you will have no problem to continue receiving and charging that benefit monthly. For this we only have to access this SEPE website.

Once here we will have to identify ourselves through one of the methods available on this website. Thus, we can use the system of Cl@ve digital authenticationa electronic ID or a digital certificate. Once we have identified ourselves correctly, we will have the possibility of change our bank account by default in which we will receive the unemployment benefit.

We recommend that you make this change as soon as possible in the event that you can no longer use the account established by default until that moment.

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