This week we can say that it has been quite quiet in terms of important news but we have had new versions of the different operating systems even in the case of watchOS a couple of them. Most Romanian to the new iPhone model and the possible arrival of a larger screen iMac with the M1 processor for this year or next. But it is true that there are other important or outstanding news that is why we are going with this little summary of the best of I’m from Mac this week.

The first day of the month of August we started it with the news or rather rumor that was launched last Monday and that warned about the delay in launch for the 28-inch iMac. This is still a rumor There is nothing confirmed by Apple far from it, but at the moment it is the last we have had on the great iMac with an M1 processor or higher.

The financial results conference of this third quarter made by Apple for investors, leaves us really spectacular figures for the company taking into account the pandemic and the rest of the effects or problems in raw materials, logistics, etc.. In Cupertino they continue to break revenue records and this quarter they have not done it again.

The popular Apple TV + “For All Humanity” series would almost certainly have a fourth season. It seems that despite not being one of Apple’s best series, it is being quite successful and therefore Apple wants to launch a new season, a while ago it was said that it would have seven seasons, we’ll see how many it gets.

Again, Apple stores in the United States force visitors and employees to wear masks indoors again. When it seemed that everything was returning more or less to normal, a new blow or rather a new wave of cases caused the Cupertino company to rethink the security measures in its stores. In our country it is mandatory indoors until further notice, even some communities consider the mandatory use outdoors again.