
Dany goes to Hollywood: let’s take a look at the Dany spin-off!

We recently talked about Dany (distributed by From the Tent, author Phil Vizcarro) and therefore we cannot fail to mention its expansion / spin-off Dany goes to Hollywood!

Briefly, Dany is a party game in which a player must make the others present at the table understand one of the 5 words present on the Idea card drawn. This must be done using some Memory cards featuring gods surreal and black and white drawings without using other forms of communication. The player who impersonates Dany must make sure that the opponents wrong without being discovered: only in this way can he win the game. Dany goes to Hollywood follows the same game principle.

Let’s talk about expansion because you can easily integrate the Idea cards and the Memory cards between the two games without special precautions, in Dany goes to Hollywood the back of the Memory cards is different but this particular does not affect the gaming experience and allows an easy division of the deck when you have to rearrange the game.

Dany goes to Hollywood to play even without the basic box!

Let’s talk about spin off because you can play Dany goes to Hollywood without having the base game. There box it is slightly smaller than the basic game, since the cards inside are less, 64 against 110, while the part graphics does not differ from the original title as the artist is the same, Antoine Baillargeau.

The author has added an extra personality, the Dany’s reason, which presents itself as an ally of Dany, therefore it is recommended to use this card with groups of at least 4 players. At the regulation level, this addition means that you need 4 failures instead of 3 to trigger the Final Turn, that is, the end of the game.

The focal point of Dany goes to Hollywood focuses on Idea cards, i.e. those cards that show the words to guess: in this case they are not words but movie titles! Consequently, the recommended age for the game has also dropped from 16 to 14, given the much lighter theme than the base game. But if the theme is much lighter, the management of the titles is decidedly more complicated since on the Idea card the films are always attributable to a common theme and to demonstrate this I will bring you for example a couple of cards and you can read others in the photo :

Dany hollywood

  • Grease, Moulin Rouge, Dirty Dancing, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill
  • Sharknado, Waterworld, Titanic, Lo shark, IT

As you can see there are always one or more threads that they share all the titles making the game quite challenging for the player who has to make others guess the movie, not to mention the possibility of having to play with a title of a movie never seen! On the other hand, this ambiguity actually makes it much easier for the player who plays Dany to win, so I don’t think it is so useful to include his ally, it would be almost impossible for the secondary personalities to win.

At this point you can safely to choose whether to buy one of the two boxes, choosing the theme, or both to have a wide choice of Memory cards with which to manage Idea cards.

What box will you choose? Let us know with a comment below!

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