Facebook wants to integrate Oculus with Apple’s Health App

We know that Facebook and Apple are not very friendly. They are very different companies that want the same thing: The best for their users. Now, they do it in a very different way. The biggest conflicts that the two companies have had come from the way they understand privacy. But at the end of the day, they are companies and they seek to reach their users. Many Facebook customers use Apple and if their virtual glasses product, Oculus, is to reach them, It must be integrated with the Apple Health App.

Many third-party applications integrate seamlessly with Apple’s Health App. We have, for example, Garmin, Polar, Strava and a very long etcetera. Any health app wants to integrate with other services and the Apple Watch is one of the first on the list. So it is not surprising that Oculus also want that integration. Ok that It sounds a bit strange because of the disputes between the companies long ago, well, and present time. But at the end of the day, they are companies.

This news has been released by Bloomberg and later confirmed by developer Steve Moser, who found details about this integration in the Oculus iOS application code. According to the report, Oculus users they will be able to synchronize data such as the number of calories burned during a workout with the Apple Health application integrated in the iPhone but also in the Apple Wacth.

The feature would allow the user of the Oculus Move training system to add data, such as the number of calories burned, to the health app. Hidden code in the Oculus app also refers to the ability to view the Oculus training data on the Oculus VR headset that were previously saved in the Apple Health Apple app.

It is not known when this union will come true but it seems that everything is going smoothly.

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