Find a job as a programmer without any experience, do this first

Obviously if you have just finished your studies or it is simply your first job, requesting experience can become a serious inconvenience. However, there are some steps you can take to find a job as a programmer without it. It must be borne in mind that a multitude of firms seeking new workersThey do not take too much into consideration the previous studies that we have completed.

In this case, enthusiasm and the desire to learn are valued more in order to develop applications and enter into professional programming projects. Of course, as usually happens in the labor and professional market, nobody is going to give us anything. More if we take into consideration the fierce competition that we are going to find right now, especially if we talk about this software industry. And it is that more and more people are making the determination to enter this interesting world of programming and development.

Therefore, if you do not have previous experience and you are looking for your first job as a software programmer, we recommend that you follow these steps in order to achieve your goal and start working in a development company.

Learn the basics on your own

That we look for a job as a programmer, even if we do not have previous experience, does not mean that we should not have knowledge. Even if we have not completed university studies, we can always prepare on our own in this software sector. The Internet can be of enormous help to us thanks to the coursesdocumentation and help that we can request in all kinds of forums. This is a very active community that often helps each other.

Be clear about the area of ​​development that you like the most

Another very important section is that we are clear about the sector that we want to direct from the many available in software development. It is not the same if we want to be part of large projects, create our own applications for mobile phones, or delve into the exciting world of video game. Having these clear ideas is the first thing before looking for a new job. In addition, it is something that companies that are looking for workers will surely value a lot.

Create an account on GitHub

When we talk about GitHub, we’re actually referring to the best-known open source-focused development platform out there. That is why we recommend you open an account here, what we can do without disbursing a single euro, to start exposing our work. Even if they are simple or basic, all this will help us to learn from other more experienced users. Also, it is interesting that we add this account to our resume so that potential employers can access it.

Indicate in your CV your status as a junior programmer

Despite the knowledge that we have gradually acquired on our own in the world of application development, we are still potential inexperienced workers. Hence, the best thing to do is to make it clear in our CV that our goal is to gain access to a job as junior programmer. Later on we will have time to go up the ranks of the new company.

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