VLC is one of those programs focused on playing multimedia content that we find today in most computers. Not in vain is it one of the most valued and loved players by most users. It has all kinds of integrated functions, including the use of subtitles.
We can say that there are several reasons why this application has earned the respect of the majority over time. On the one hand, it is worth mentioning the wide compatibility with most of the formats of audio and video files. At the same time, it presents us with a good number of customizable functions, valid for both novice and advanced users. Among all of them we can find, as is usual in these cases, the use of subtitles in VLC that complement our video files.
It is precisely these useful elements that we want to talk about below, since VLC offers us some interesting features to customize its use. For this we are going to make a series of changes in the multimedia player that will allow us to adapt the appearance and use of these subtitles. It must be taken into account that misuse of these can turn them into a harmful and annoying element.
Of course, at the same time we must take into consideration that by default the use of subtitles in the VideoLAN program is not activated. We tell you all this because in order to put the feature into operation and customize it we will have to access the vlc settings. To do this, at first we only have to go to the Tools / Preferences menu option. In the window that appears we find several buttons located at the top, in this case we opted for Subtitles / OSD.
Customize how subtitles work in VLC
As we mentioned before, the first thing we will do in this new window will be to activate the functionality that concerns us. We only have to mark the selectors of turn on subtitles and Enable On Screen Display (OSD). At that moment, the rest of the configurations that we have the possibility to customize here will be activated. They refer to both the operation of these text elementslike its appearance.
Well, it is interesting to know that from this configuration window we have the possibility of establishing the preferred language for these items. Thus, in the event that we perform automated searches for subtitles, the program will prioritize that language. We can also indicate the default encoding to use here, plus some issues related to its appearance.
Surely many are interested in knowing that from this configuration section we also have the possibility of specifying the font for texts. The same happens if we refer to the default size of the lines of subtitles to use, or the thickness of the border of the same. What’s more, we can even change your default color, which is white. Also, if we want change its position on the screen, we will do it from the Position dropdown list. Normally we read these subtitles at the bottom, but we can also change this.