
Ford F-150 Lightning Delivers 2 Days of Electricity to Home During Snowstorm

At a time when Storm Elliott is crashing down on North America, thousands of Canadians must find alternative heating and energy supply solutions. An Ontario citizen testified on Reddit how he used his electric pickup truck, the Ford F-150 Lightning, to power his home for several days.

Ford F150 Lightning
Credits: Ford

The F-150 Lightning was already one of the most popular cars in the land of Uncle Sam. There is no doubt that after reading the story of this Toronto resident, even more customers will be won over by the Ford pickups. Snowstorm Elliott has been raging across North America for several days. The Great Lakes region is particularly affected and many residents have had to learn to live without electricity in polar cold.

Kumar Galhotra, president of Ford Blue, says of the F-150 Lightning: “We’re not here to make electric trucks for the lucky few. Ford is committed to creating vehicles that solve real people’s problems “. Words that a resident of the Ontario region was able to confirm.

This family stranded by Storm Elliott only consumed 35% of the Ford F-150 Lightning’s battery

The two-way charging capabilities of its Ford F-150 Lightning pickup made it possible tosupply your house with electricity for 44 hours, while the power grid was off. Best of all, using his television, lights, refrigerator, and internet connection for almost two days only consumed only 35% of his car battery !

To read – Tesla: his electric car refuses to recharge because of the cold, it remains blocked for Christmas

The American manufacturer can boast of having been one of the precursors in this area. Its Intelligent Backup Power system delivers no less than 9.6 kilowatts of energy. A capacity which, according to Ford, can meet the needs of a household for three to ten days, depending on its consumption. In addition to being able to power a home through the power cable, the car also offers the Pro Power Onboard, a system of backup battery that offers 11 electrical outlets accessible directly in the boot and on the chassis.

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