Hawkeye: Marvel’s next series has a release date

Hawkeye will premiere in November

Marvel has a pretty juicy schedule for all their fans between now and the end of the year. To begin we have the premiere of What if…? next August 11. In this animated series, completely different stories from the ones we know will be treated under the premise of what would have happened if …

Of course, it will not be the only thing that will arrive before the next great live action series that will be released on Disney Plus. Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings will hit theaters on September 3 and in a couple of months the Eternals movie will also be released in the salts, on November 5 to be exact.

Well, after the great Wandavision (Scarlet Witch and Vision), the animated and action-packed Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and this latest madness that has been Loki with his time jumps, variants and presentation of Kang will come the turn to see what they have prepared for us with another long-awaited series: Hawkeye.

The Hawkeye series, starring Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) and Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) is practically ready and the company has not only given the premiere date within the streaming platform, it has also shown a first image to open your mouth and that adds to the rest of what had already been seen timidly.

Thus, we have the exact day of the Hawkeye (Hawkeye) premiere on Disney Plus will be on November 24. On a Wednesday, so we suppose they have seen with Loki that this is a much better day than the classic Thursday or Friday.

What will hawkeye be about

To begin with, it must be said that Hawkeye will star Clit Barton, but it won’t be the only Hawkeye. It will really serve as a vehicle to introduce Kate Bishop, who will take on the role of the superhero who will retire after training Bishop to take over.

Now, will it follow the course of what is seen in the comics or will it surprise changes? We do not know, especially since what was seen in Loki has made anything can happen from now on within the MCM (Marvel Cinematic Multiverse).

Either way, it sure won’t disappoint. Although it is always good to go with the right expectations if we do not want to suffer certain disappointments. Because, for example, the Falcon and Winter Soldier series was not bad, but after watching Wandavision it is true that they were expected to break some schemes. Now after how fascinating Loki has been, it is likely that feeling that he is not up to the task is easier. But what if Bishop was a variant of Clint Barton that stays on your timeline, what would happen?

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