
If you have a Windows 7 PC, you should change (or upgrade) now

It is undeniable that windows 7 It was one of the best operating systems we’ve ever had on PCs, and proof of this is that even today 3.72% of PCs still use it (according to StatsCounter). However, no matter how attached you are to this version of Windows, it is time for you to consider retiring that PC or at least update itand in this article we are going to give you the main reasons.

Go ahead, we don’t have any special interest in you using one operating system or another, but we do have an interest in our readers having a secure PC with the best performance for their hardware; Unfortunately, today Windows 7 no longer provides you with either of these two things.

Windows 7 has more security risks

Like it or not, if you have Windows 7 on your PC you will be more exposed to security risks than if you use other more modern versions of the operating system. Remember that Microsoft stopped releasing security patches in January 2020, which means that your PC will not be protected against the latest threats that have emerged since then.

windows 7

And it is that, it can touch you: in recent years, hackers and cybercriminals have increased their presence by 600% (or at least the data indicates that cybercriminals have increased that percentage), and they are always looking for ways to “get slice”, so vulnerable systems are always potential victims.

On the other hand, the fact that this version of the popular Microsoft operating system has reached the end of its life cycle is that it has also been left without customer service: in other words, even if you have an original license and for life, if you have problems, Microsoft technicians will no longer be able to help you and their response will always be to update to a more modern version, no more, no less.

No software upgrades and “technical debt”

In the same way that you will not receive security updates, you will not receive improvements in the functionality of the operating system itself. But that may not be the biggest problem… the biggest problem is that software developers adapt their programs to the latest versions of the operating systems, and this means that you will find that the new versions of the programs that you usually use use will no longer be compatible with Windows 7.

Windows 12

Similarly, you could run into so-called technical debt: imagine you want to upgrade your PC to modern hardware but want to keep using Windows 7… you’ll find that there are no drivers for this version anymore, and that in fact certain features (especially of processors) require newer versions of the operating system to work (for example, with Alder Lake Intel released Thread Director technology, which only works on Windows 11).

Of course, you can always physically disconnect your PC from the Internet directly and thus avoid problems… after all, there are many people who use older PCs for tasks that do not require an Internet connection. But if you use the PC regularly and you do have it connected to the Internet, of course the recommendation is that you update the operating system to at least Windows 10. For your safety.

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