
If your keyboard does not have the letter Ñ, do not suffer: 4 ways to write it

And it is that we must take into account that there are certain countries in which technology is much cheaper than here in Spain. At least this is something that we can find with certain specific products that we are more interested in buying internationally. Of course, on certain occasions we can find some limitations related to the language or the regional configuration.

But with everything and with this, in many situations of this type, we will be interested in that initial saving to later look for alternative solutions and solve the limitations. In these same lines we want to focus on the case that we have bought a complete computer or a keyboard and this does not have the letter Ñ. It must be taken into account that this is a deficiency that in our country can become important. For example, this is something quite common in certain laptops, since these products include their own keyboard and if we buy them abroad, it is very likely that they do not have this key.

Despite this, if we opt for this proposal, we tell you when buying online, it is because the offer and the savings are worth it. We will deal with solving this later. drawback, something that we will talk about precisely in these same lines. We tell you all this because we have at our fingertips up to four ways to write the letter Ñ in the event that our keyboard do not have it.

Copy and paste the Ñ from the Internet

It may not be the most effective or fastest solution that we can use to be able to write the letter Ñ wherever we need it. But with everything and with it, it is an effective solution that any of us can use in the case of finding ourselves in this unpleasant situation. This means that in a timely manner we can always access the Internet and perform a search so that this letter appears and we can copy it to the system clipboard.

For this we use the use of the key combination Ctrl+C and now we can paste that Ñ using Ctrl+V in the place where we need to write it.

Use this Windows feature

It is true that the equipment or keyboard that we have bought, normally in some other country, physically lacks the letter Ñ, as we have mentioned. However, despite all this we have the possibility of configuring the operating system as such, in most cases it will be Windows, in Spanish. Well, at this point it is worth knowing that we can do without the physical keyboard on certain occasions and use the virtual.

virtual keyboard

Basically this means that on our Windows computer we will have a keyboard that appears on the screen as we are used to on our Android or iOS mobile. In this way and thanks to the default configuration of the operating system itself, we can now click on the letter that the physical keyboard lacks to use it where we need it. We do this by opening the execution window with Win+R and typing the command osk.

Use its ASCII code

Perhaps the most effective and fastest method when using this key that is missing from our physical keyboard is through its ASCII code. This means that we will have the possibility of making said letter appear on the screen, both in uppercase and lowercase, using its corresponding code whenever we need it. Once we have memorized it, we can use it almost automatically as if the key were really on our keyboard.

At this point we will only have to memorize two key combinations, for the ñ in lower case we will have to use the keys alt+164. If, on the other hand, we need the Ñ in capital letters, the combination in this case is alt+165.

Use alternate key

It’s also worth knowing that even though this key doesn’t physically exist on our keyboard, setting this item to Spanish will assign an alternate key to it. On keyboards that lack this we can usually make it appear by pressing ;. As we tell you, it is essential that we configure the keyboard in our language in windows so that the Ñ is assigned.

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