Lack of training, the main barrier to the digitization of companies

Spain has presented a positive evolution of the main international digitalization indicators in recent years, but it has not advanced in the same way in the dimension of Integration of Digital Technology by companies, according to the INE.

On the other hand, a study by IEBS Business School reveals that, despite the great technological advances of Spanish companies in recent years, only 3.2% of professionals are experts in these technologies, which indicates that a greater degree of specialization is needed to meet the growing demand. Training in these tools has not gone hand in hand with the development of the sector, with a general delay among professionals.

Thus, lack of training in new technologies is the main barrier that are both micro, SMEs and large companies when advancing in digitization, ahead of high implementation costs and the lack of qualified personnel.

According to the survey carried out by IEBS among more than 1,500 Spanish professionals, it seems that there is also a greater general awareness of this lack of knowledge, since 9 out of 10 respondents have assured that they intend to train in any of these technologies to improve their professional career. Technology-related jobs, such as specialists in big data, data analytics, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, physics, math, simulation, virtual reality, etc … top the rankings of profiles most in demand.

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Regarding the technology most used in the company, respondents have indicated computing in the cloud as the most used, with 69.2%, followed by analytics and Business Intelligence platforms, with 53.8%, augmented reality and / or virtual reality with 46.2% and artificial intelligence, with a 30.8%. Following this line, being asked which of the technologies they have stopped using because it has not given the expected results, Blockchain and augmented and / or virtual reality have been the most chosen with 15%.

The role of AI

Looking to the future, artificial intelligence has been the preferred technology by those surveyed, who expect to use it in the near future, with 69.2%. This is followed by Blockchain, with 38.5%, and the Internet of Things, with 38.5%.

On the other hand, as to which of these technologies they consider to be sufficiently developed and widespread in digital companies, cloud computing, analytics and Business Intelligence and artificial intelligence have been the most selected, with 69.2%, 53.8% and 38.5%, respectively. The least, augmented reality and / or virtual reality, the Internet of things and the Blockchain.

The digital transformation in companies is a slow and complex process, but at the same time necessary if we want to ensure the survival of our business in the future ”, explains Oscar Fuente, Director and founder of IEBS. “It has been the main challenge for organizations for years, and not only involves the implementation of platforms and tools, but also encompasses the development of a more digital, more agile and more data-driven business culture”, Add.

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