MC Awards 2021 “Data Management”: Dell PowerEdge

Servers are one of the key components of any data center. And companies are increasingly asking for more. It is no longer enough that they are getting faster, but they also want them to be smarter when analyzing large volumes of data.

This commitment to AI is what Dell Technologies has raised from the beginning in the renewal of its range of PowerEdge servers, which has been optimized for the analysis and processing of data in the place where it originates. This has earned him the recognition of the MC 2021 Awards, in the category “Data Management”.

In their latest revision, the new servers have been optimized incorporating the latest technologies from AMD and Intel, so that they can respond to the most critical workloads and applications of their customers.

The new generation of servers also feature PCIe Gen 4.0, doubling performance over the previous generation, and up to six accelerators per server to support the most challenging and data-intensive workloads.

These technologies, along with PowerEdge’s autonomous intelligence, make it the most AI-enabled PowerEdge portfolio to date, enabling organizations to anticipate and respond more quickly to their needs.

Two of the aspects that have received the most attention in this new generation of servers has been security and their environmental impact. In the former, security is built on the same infrastructure, with Dell Technologies Secured Component Verification, a single server solution and an extension of Dell’s Secure Supply Chain assurance process.

Regarding their environmental impact, the manufacturer wanted to highlight that thanks to the new chassis design, the new servers have ducted fans and adaptive cooling for energy consumption that improves energy efficiency by up to 60% compared to previous generations.

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