
Microsoft 365 artificially limits Outlook storage to trick you into signing up

Microsoft has revised its policy regarding cloud storage. From now on, users of Microsoft 365 in the free version see their storage space shared between OneDrive and Outlook, yet different in size. A maneuver that limits the use of the mailbox and encourages checkout.

Microsoft 365

Microsoft account holders may have noticed a change in their cloud storage lately. Indeed, Microsoft has discreetly changed its policy regarding free storage, since since 1er February 2023, it is shared between OneDrive and Outlookwhich can lead to difficulties on the mailbox.

Microsoft 365 Free Tier offers 5 GB of storage on OneDrive and 15 GB on Outlook. What have a certain comfort without putting your hand in your pocket. But now that the spaces are unified, that changes everything.

Microsoft encourages users to subscribe to Microsoft 365

Thus, all Outlook data is stored on OneDrive, which offers much less space. This means all attachments, documents, images… As a result, the user no longer actually has 15 GB promised by Oulook, since it reaches 5 GB of OneDrive before that.

A situation that leads to certain difficulties in using your Outlook mailbox. Once at 5 GB, the user no longer has a choice: he must either delete a large number of messages, sometimes important ones, or invest in a Microsoft 365 account which offers 100 GB of storage. A little trickery made in Microsoft which was not spotted at first sight, but which makes life very difficult for users.

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Note that the 15 GB of Outlook are still available, but only for texts which are not stored on OneDrive. As a result, Microsoft is not “lying” by claiming to offer 15 GB of free data stored in the cloud. Contacted by Windows Latest, Microsoft confirmed this new policy, indicating that the two storage spaces are now merged.

And you, have you noticed any difficulties in your Outlook mailbox in recent weeks? Tell us in the comments !

Source : Windows Latest

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