Pokemon: a live-action TV series from Netflix is ​​coming

Apparently Netflix is working on the realization of a Pokemon live-action TV series, the pocket monsters franchise that no longer knows borders.

After the success of the film Detective Pikachu of 2019 starring Ryan Reynolds, a film that has grossed $ 430 million worldwide, it’s time to see more Pokemon interact with real-life actors.

The first Pokemon live-action TV series arrives with Netflix

According to reports from Variety, the show would be in the early stages of production and, therefore, the details are very few, apart from the fact that the TV series will see Joe Henderson, Lucifer’s co-showrunner, as writer and executive producer.

This creative collaboration has its own because if we consider the success found by Lucifer on Netflix, a TV series that can offer another three intense seasons thanks to the trust that Netflix has placed in Henderson after the show was canceled by Fox after the third season. . Now that the series is coming to an end, it seems that the giant dellos treaming has already identified the new project to be entrusted to Henderson.

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