The manufacturer QNAP has released the update of QuTS hero 5.0 to all NAS server models that support this operating system that has the ZFS file system. A few weeks ago they officially released the QTS 5.0 operating system for all their NAS servers, although they have done it in a staggered way and have not released it to all models simultaneously. Now we have the QuTS hero 5.0 operating system available, the latest version to enjoy all the security and privacy improvements.
Features and changes in QuTS hero 5.0
This new operating system has all the new features of QTS 5.0 that we have seen previously. This new version does not allow downloading to versions h4.5.4 or earlier, so when updating to version 5.0 we will no longer be able to go back. Regarding the App Center functions, we have the possibility to buy and activate licenses directly in the App Center, we will also have an improved control panel, it supports TLS 1.3 for HTTPS connections and we can even configure a reverse proxy with different rules to hide information sensitive as the different services that we have in the NAS server, in addition, we can easily import root certificates to ensure correct communications. QuTS hero 5.0 also has a “notices” section in the form of news, to provide us with information about events or announcements that are not important. In File Station we can choose to keep the attributes of the files that we have uploaded to File Station via Samba.
Other features of this new operating system is that they have updated to the OpenSSL version 1.1.1, support for Forward Error Correction (FEC) has been added for the detection of errors and correction of errors in the transmission of data, it has also been added Support for Intel E810 network adapter making it compatible with a large number of next generation cards that have 10G and 25G ports. Of course, a very interesting and critical feature of QVPN is that it has incorporated WireGuard VPN, QNAP now has support for the WireGuard VPN to achieve the highest possible speed.
Regarding storage and snapshots, we have the possibility to configure the ZFS scrubbing scheduler to have more flexibility and reduce the performance on the NAS server. We can also create instant clones of Snapshots, so we can make really fast clones. We can also configure a latency interval to monitor snapshot jobs, and we can even run SnapSync performance tests. Finally, we have the possibility to configure SSD cache both in reading (L2ARC) and also in writing (ZIL).
Other changes introduced are related to security, QuTS hero will remind us to disable the admin account and create another account as administrator, it also recommends enabling two-step authentication to improve the security of the account. The QTS installation wizard now requires the user to create a new administrator account, and the “admin” account will be disabled by default.
QuTS hero 5.0 compatible models
The manufacturer QNAP has released today the updates to all the NAS servers compatible with the new QuTS hero 5.0, the list of compatible equipment is as follows.
- TS-h2490FU
- TS-h3088XU
- TVS-h1288X / TVS-h1688X
- TS-h1886XU-RP / TS-1886XU-RP
- TS-h686 / TS-h886
- TNS-h1083X
- TS-h1283XU / TS-h1683XU / TS-h2483XU
- TS-h977XU-RP / TS-h1277XU-RP / TS-h1677XU-RP
- TVS-h1675U-RP / TVS-h1275U-RP / TVS-h875U-RP / TVS-h875U
- TVS-675
- TS-h973AX / TS-473A / TS-673A / TS873A
- TS-873AU / TS-873AU-RP / TS-1273AU-RP / TS-1673AU-RP
- TVS-672X / TVS872X / TVS-472XT / TVS-672XT / TVS-872XT / TVS-672N / TVS-872N
If you have not received the update notification yet, our recommendation is that you visit the official website of your NAS server to check if it is in the Support and downloads section, if it is not there yet, it is a matter of hours before the version corresponding to your NAS server. We recommend you visit the QuTS hero 5.0 official website where you will find all the details of the new version of this operating system.