Restoration management software could do half the work in the sector

Automation is a technology that is increasingly present in restaurants, especially because it offers numerous benefits that help Reduce time and resources invested. By closely analyzing the data, Delatech ensures that having a booking engine can increase billing by 30% and having a digital menu encourages increase consumption by 25%. In addition, companies that rely on technology to transform improve their net margin by 16%.

In addition, restaurants are understaffed, as there are 4.4% fewer workers in 2022 compared to 2020, as analyzed by the Hospitality group of Spain. Consequently, it is necessary to look for new alternatives to cover these jobs. Technological devices are capable of performing many functions in the world of restoration. Indeed, the restoration management software,, points out that 50% of the jobs in a restaurant could be executed with automations. In the same way, technology would reduce the burden on workers at the counter and in table service by 35%. Also, there are management software that can help you a lot.

Technology is a good way to avoid any unnecessary workload. In fact, they use advanced technology to benefit workers and process orders quickly, avoiding any mistakes. Specifically, they are based on a system that monitors the processes, “Properly implementing software can certainly eliminate features that are easily automatable with digitization. A change in mentality is necessary, since restaurants must understand technology as an ally, a tool that will facilitate many processes, not as an additional workload”, explains Francisco Gea, marketing director of

Software and virtual assistants in action

Software and virtual assistants have complex code that allows them to function as productively as possible. In this sense, the innovations that motivate these devices are diverse. Specifically, Delatech points out that offer an application to pay the bill using QR saves on average up to 13 minutes of service per table. Likewise, this company also highlights that digital menus have driven transformation in restaurants by 73%.

Automation is the main characteristic of technological systems. Thanks to this system, the devices perform repetitive tasks so that workers can focus on other more essential aspects. In this case, the software works together with the staff to increase productivity in the restaurant. Therefore, the benefits of the restaurant are increased by having the tasks divided and directed to the most suitable group. In addition, digitalization allows information is collected in a database so that the owner can check the orders at any time.

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The benefits they bring robots are numerous. First of all, they improve the job situation of the waiter, since they perform heavy and repetitive tasks. At the same time, it increases the chances of clientele, because it optimizes the resources and time of the waiters. Another advantage is the speed of the service, by having robots, the waiters can take care of other tasks.

In conclusion, specialized restoration software technology can eliminate a lot of manual workload, make all workers more efficient and add more value, avoid confusion and errors on a day-to-day basis, and help businesses increase their income and decrease their expenses.

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