Ten tips to reduce the risk of accidents ‘in itinere’

When an employee suffers a accident at your workplace, there is no doubt, we are before a work accident. However, there are also other situations that can be considered as occupational accidents and that they do not happen in the workplace as such. We refer to accidents in itinere, that is, those mishaps suffered by employees in the commute from home to work. These, like accidents in the workplace, can be reduced with proper training. We show you some tips to reduce risk.

Accidents ‘in itinere’

It should be noted that accidents ‘in itinere’ cause the same problems as an accident during working hours; and it is that we can find ourselves with a sick leave, inspections by the corresponding authorities and, in the worst case, a mortal victim. For this reason it is important that not only the worker be careful on these tours. Companies must also take measures to avoid these accidents. Training and awareness will be key.

Tips to reduce accidents ‘in itinere’

We want to focus on the aspects in which a company could improve the figures and thus reduce accidents ‘in itinere’.

Have good insurance

It is essential for the worker have good insurance, above all have good motorcycle insurance, since the main accidents occur with this vehicle. It is important to purchase insurance with driver coverage to have greater protection.

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Mobility plan

It is necessary for companies to draft a mobility plan in which they can convey aspects related to that mobility to employees. Address issues such as transportation used to get around and the public means of transport that best connect the company with their homes, as well as the times with the greatest and least influx of vehicles to access certain roads, among others.

Formation plans

These training plans will be aimed at the road safety. Courses that should be taught periodically to refresh knowledge and include the news that the highway code incorporates from time to time.

Flexibility in schedules

One solution that companies should value is providing their employees with flexible entry and exit times to be able to make those trips in a calm way. Punctuality is important, but employee lives are more important.

Promote teleworking

As far as possible, and as long as the employee agrees, you can encourage teleworking to reduce travel.

Offer other options for transfers

Large companies can offer shuttle services with buses or minibuses. In this way, You can draw routes avoiding that they take their vehicles to make the trip.

It also can promote the use of public transport through financial aid or with special entry and exit times, so that they can coincide with the schedules of those transports.

Encourage car sharing

According to the DGT, the 90% of commuting accidents take place in cars occupied by a person. It is easier to distract our attention when we go alone. Encourage the use of car sharing it makes employees save on fuel, but also that they have companions who can warn them of dangers on the road.

Avoid rotating schedules

The Rotating shifts cause sleep disturbances and disturbances. This is one of the leading causes of accidents today. Therefore, avoid them it will avoid accumulated stress and fatigue.

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