The 4 programs that any Ubuntu user should install

Ubuntu comes standard with the desktop GNOME and a series of additional programs that allow us to start using our computer from the first moment. However, if we really want to get the most out of it, it is necessary to install other interesting applications by hand. Let’s see what some of them are.

Synaptic, the package manager par excellence

Ubuntu comes standard with the APT package manager. With it we can install, update or delete any program on our PC using simple commands. However, if we want to have much more control over the applications and dependencies, we must opt ​​for another package manager known as «Synaptic«.

Thanks to it, we will be able to see all the packages installed on our system, install new dependencies or uninstall what we no longer need, deleting all their traces. To install it, we simply have to execute the following:

sudo apt install synaptic

Mainline, to always have the latest Kernel in Ubuntu

One of the main problems with Ubuntu is its updates. In addition to the fact that each version is only 9 months old (except LTS), Canonical usually never installs the latest version of the Kernel in its versions. And, once a version is released, you don’t usually change it.

Updating the Linux kernel can be a complicated and dangerous task. However, we can simplify it to the maximum thanks to an essential tool known as Mainline.

Thanks to this program we can see a list with all the versions of the Kernel available, and quickly update to the most recent one to have our PC up to date.

We can install this tool by running:

sudo apt install mainline

BleachBit, the alternative to Ccleaner for Ubuntu

Like any other operating system, over time Ubuntu fills up with all kinds of residual files and “junk” that make the PC work worse and worse. Therefore, it never hurts to have a tool that allows us to clean the PC of all these files so that it always works like the first day. And one of the best is BleachBit. This program helps us, among other things, to eliminate all the old kernels that we no longer need, eliminate temporary files and much more.

We can download this program from this link.

Kodi: a multimedia center at your fingertips

Although Ubuntu usually comes with its own media player by default, this one can be quite short when it comes to multimedia functions. Therefore, if we are going to use the PC to watch videos, listen to music, and even play arcade games, it is necessary to bet on a much larger and more complete tool. We must bet on Kodi.

Surely this program does not need introductions. We are facing the largest and most complete multimedia center that exists on the network, being able to customize each of its functions to the millimeter thanks to the plugins. An essential must-have that cannot be missing from our Linux distro.

We can easily install Kodi by running:

sudo apt install kodi

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