
The causes that slow down the digitization of SMEs

Digitization is necessary for the growth of companies and this is a reality known to all, not only for the opportunities it creates, but also for their very survival in an increasingly interconnected world. If it’s so accepted, What stops your progress? And it is that, although close to 90% of the smallest companies have a computer and Internet connection, only 36% use social networks and a scant 32% have a web. In addition, the small business that sells over the Internet accounts for 13%, according to the latest INE data on the use of ICT and electronic commerce in companies.

These figures show that, although for most SMEs it is a priority aspect, 54.6% have defined a digital strategy and 78.6% are already applying it, there is still digital resistance, mainly explained by the lack of resources, time and knowledge, as barriers that slow down the ICT transformation of companies.

For this reason, the technology company Cosmomedia explores the five most common causes that slow down the digital progress of small and medium-sized businesses, highlighting key aspects such as the lack of digital compression, resources and time to promote their innovation.

Lack of strategic vision

Running a small business involves a high level of dedication and effort. Engaged in day to day, SMEs do not have the necessary time to visualize new opportunities and to be able to establish a clear differentiation that allows them to grow and stand out. There is a lack of strategic vision to be able to sit down and think, draw up a plan, develop a digital implementation that opens up new possibilities for growth and improvement.

«The Internet is so big that there are many unexplored paths, virgin territory that SMEs can take advantage of to stand out and differentiate themselves.«, indicates Silvia Fernández, specialist in content marketing at Cosmomedia. «I still remember when there were no web pages for lawyers specializing in certain banking aspects; It was an opportunity to stand out.”

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Lack of resources to invest in digital

Investment difficulties are another of the stones on the road to the digital transformation of companies. In many cases, it is not only a matter of having the economic or financial capacity, but also of trusting in the return on investment. The associated costs can be rectified with an outsourcing of services, in areas in which the SME needs to reinforce its innovation. Trust experts in digitization it is key to obtain personalized guidance and support. In addition, ICT companies must understand the operation and technical shortcomings of SMEs, in order to know how to adapt their services to them.

For Cosmomedia, technology companies have an important role in this digital support. “Having an ICT service is just as important as knowing how to use it efficiently”, point out about it.

Excess regulations slow down digitization

Overwhelmed by the day-to-day and by the increasing regulatory process, the SME slows down its digitization process. Every year there are more procedures to carry out and regulations that affect small businesses, and that are added to their daily tasks. This regulatory excess slows down the dedication and motivation to promote digitization, since it absorbs the company’s time towards issues that affect its own “legal survival”.

A unification of criteria, an understanding of the daily operations of the SME by public organizations and institutions and, above all, agility in the processing of certain procedures can alleviate the small business owner, so that he has that space to innovate.

Lack of continuity in digital momentum

The SME understands the digital field in a secondary way to its main activity. And for this reason, when it incorporates technical innovations, it does so in a timely manner, without assessing the need to make constant changes or improvements. Although more and more businesses are incorporating the digital concept into their daily operations, there is still a lot of work to raise awareness.

«It is not about adapting the digital world to the company, but about adapting the company to the digital world»point out from Cosmomedia, referring to the fact that “the usual thing is that the business dedicates the time and effort to the moment of implementation, without realizing that it is an ongoing process”, says José Manuel Fuentes, CEO of the company.

In this sense, the digital presence, through the three essential pillars of web presence, social networks and online communications, includes a continuous work, to adapt to the trends and opportunities of the moment. Regarding the digital section of business management, the need to update is vital to, for example, maintain the security of the entire technical infrastructure of the company and to be able to guarantee, among other aspects, regulations on key points such as data protection. and secure communications. The digital environment then requires continuous professional support, which allows the company not to be left behind. This aspect has a lot to do with the training of professionals in different areas, which is theoretically outdated and disconnected from digital reality. In this sense, it is not only about the lack of knowledge and digital skills of active workers, but also of those who are currently studying. «Curricula must be updated if we want them to be connected at digital speed«, they indicate from Cosmomedia.

resistance to digital change

The pandemic broke many barriers in companies, because many local businesses became aware of the need to be “online”, to remain open to a broader and more diverse audience. So what is the reason that this opposition to change still exists? Mainly it is found in the associated cost, the lack of understanding and the lack of time to understand. “Without use, digitization is diluted, no matter how much technical implementation has been carried out”, they point out from technology.

As a simple example, if having a corporate website is already an imperative need to simply exist, the difference now centers on providing it with objectives and a strategy to differentiate itself and stand out. Digitization has its barriers, but it is accessible. With the appropriate professional help from experts who are specialized in different digital areasthe SME can adapt the service to what it really needs. It is important to highlight that these obstacles are not insurmountable and that, with the expert help and involvement of public administrations, through aid plans and, making a special effort to facilitate business management, small and medium-sized companies will be able to jump these obstacles, to walk on the digital path with greater vision, strategy and future.

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