The enormous number of users that Nintendo Switch has, together with the fact that the console is still alive and the expectation that existed around The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdomhave made the latest installment of Link’s adventures pulverize all the records of the saga after sell ten million copies in its first three days on the market.
The launch of a new installment of Zelda It is always quite an event in the video game industry, but the saga has traditionally given the feeling that its prestige far exceeds its sales volumes, especially when compared to the sales of colossi such as Mario and Pokemon. That is not misunderstood, because the number of copies sold is not even remotely a good indicator to determine the quality of a video game and what’s more, Metroid is an even more extreme case without leaving the Nintendo spectrum.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the sequel (at least in commercial terms) to Breath of the Wild and tries to improve the game that served as a farewell to the Wii U and make the Switch start in the best possible way. In addition to polishing the formula and multiplying the size of the central map by three, it has recovered the classic dungeons of the saga, a factor that not a few missed in Breath of the Wild despite appreciating the changes introduced.
Of the ten million copies it has sold The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom in its first three days, four million correspond to the US market, possibly the geographical area in which the saga is most popular. These data make the game at hand in the delivery of Zelda that is selling the fastest in its entire history, in the fastest-selling Switch game and in the fastest-selling Nintendo game in the United States in the entire history of the Japanese company in that country.
In short, everything seems to indicate that the saga Zelda He is living, 37 years after his birth, his moment of greatest commercial heyday. An important detail is that this great interest on the part of the public has come with the most hardcore three-dimensional installments. Yes, PlayStation, Xbox and PC users should not get carried away by the aesthetics of the games, because in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdomm players are not going to find quiet walks aimed at the smallest of the house, but challenges that will make them throw the controls out of the window on more than one occasion.