Games Workshop announced the arrival of a new one board game of the series Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game set in Moria, and more precisely during the battle in front of the tomb of Balin seen in the first film of The Lord of the Rings.
The new title will be released shortly, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the theatrical release of Peter Jackson’s film The Fellowship of the Ring.
A new The Lord of the Rings board game set in Moria is coming
THE Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game are the game series developed by GW from the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. This is a more fluid version of the regulation, in which the most iconic characters of the saga (portraits with the features of the actors who have lent their faces in the sagas of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit) are guaranteed greater firepower than the classic sci-fi title.
In the new Battle in Balin’s Tomb we will recreate the battle that saw the 9 companions as protagonists against the orcs of Moria and the trolls that inhabit the ancient dwarven kingdom. This new setting for the skirmish game should be available already during the upcoming holidays, even if Games Workshop has not yet announced the precise date, but it could be in precise coincidence with the twentieth anniversary of The Fellowship of the Ring, or next December 19th.
Games Workshop games dedicated to Tolkien’s work are not currently localized by Italian publishers, but it will certainly be possible to get an English-language copy of the new title of The Lord of the Rings dedicated to the battle that took place in the mines of Moria.