Types of home automation
The possibility of optimizing many tasks at home is something that we all want. And for this we have a large number of different devices that help us in this regard. But the truth is that many times we find some impediments in construction, especially when it comes to devices that require wiring. And it is precisely in this area where we are going to differentiate these types. On the one hand we have the wired devices, and on the other the wireless ones.
Wired home automation system
As its own name indicates, these devices are fully designed to work by cable. Which can bring great benefits, such as the improvement in their signal, or the quality in which they send images, for example. The cable is always synonymous with safety, speed and efficiency. And this is because there is no interference, thanks to the exclusive connection for each device.
But this can bring some drawbacks, and that is that the installation is more complex. If we have a good installation of pipes through the walls, this is much easier. Since sometimes the aesthetic factor is something that is given a lot of importance. A cable hanging or attached to the wall, or with a conduit is not an option. On the other hand, we can find devices where an installation of this type is the most recommended. These are, for example, the air conditioning of the home, either with thermostats or radiators and lighting.
wireless home automation
It is with these installations that we obtain the most versatility. Any house can be adapted to these devices, since if the signal does not reach a corner, it can be solved with an extension cord. All these devices usually use our home WiFi network to connect to the local network and the Internet, although it is also possible that they use ZigBee and even Z-Wave technology.
Because wiring can be minimal, installation is a breeze. And the maintenance does not suppose much with the passage of time. Therefore, we are facing the most comfortable option, since it will not be necessary to do any type of work. Whether small or large, works are always uncomfortable.
On the other hand, it is much easier to establish the connections or manage all the devices, even from outside the home. But they have their drawbacks, and that is that these devices generally work with batteries or batteries. In any case, the experience that we are going to obtain is very good, since in general they do not have very high consumption.
mixed systems
In many cases, either because of the distribution that a house offers us or because it separates both things a bit, we can make a combination of both types of home automation. Using both types can be very helpful, especially for network overload. And for this we can establish some preferences, depending on what the distribution of the house allows us and what is possible to do in it.
We could say that for security systems, the cable will always be the best. This gives us a continuous connection, with less possibility of micro cuts. Besides, the quality can be higher and also the speed of sending the files. Both for video and for photographs from security cameras, the best option will always be the cable.
On the other hand, we can leave the wireless option for other types of devices. Like smart speakers, lights, and in general anything that has nothing to do with security. Except for anything to view content on the Internet. We are not going to get bad quality with Wi-Fi, especially if it is with the 5GHz band. But if we use cable, it can improve the quality.
As you can see, home automation is something that can be adapted to practically any home. This is thanks to the fact that we have several options available to make this possible. With the right choice, we can have a smart home where we can automate many processes.