Tips to save on lighting
From Iberdrola they have wanted to give a series of guidelines to their clients so that they can save on electricity bill with lighting. Some recommendations are common sense and the vast majority we have already applied, but others may require small changes and with them we will save on the bill.
Turn off lights if we’re not here
This first advice is clear common sense. They recommend something as simple as not leaving the lights on in places where we are not really going to be. For example, a room that we leave empty, the corridor if we are not going to go through it or any lamp that we have in any corner of the house.
This, although it is common sense, in many cases it is not fulfilled. We may leave a light on or think that for a few minutes we are not going to save anything. Although it is true that precisely one light bulb consumes little, if we extend it to the entire home and during every day of the year, in the end we can save a few euros.
Take advantage of the sunlight
This is interesting to apply. It basically consists of trying to make the most of the hours of sunlight. For example, to do some tasks at that time and thus avoid having to turn on the lights.
But especially we can make some changes. For example, something very interesting is to raise the blinds and open the doors on a sunny day and at times when it is clearer. This will prevent us from having to turn on so many lights and we could even lower the brightness if necessary.
Find bright rooms
Do you have several rooms in your house oriented in different ways? Perhaps in one you have direct sun in the morning, while in another you have it in the afternoon. The idea is as simple as go looking for the sun. Move throughout the day to areas of the home where there is better light and thus save light.
The point of this is to avoid turning on light bulbs when you don’t really need to. If you can still take advantage of the sunlight for a while to work, read or whatever, you will be able to save a little each day and you will notice that on the bill each month.
use LED bulb
Of course, this is one of the most important points. There are different types of light bulbs that you can use in your home. They are much more efficient than traditional light bulbs, as well as having a much longer useful life. Today they are the best option to illuminate any place in the house.
There are also energy-saving light bulbs, but the leds they are even more efficient. If you use non-LED bulbs, a good way to save on your electricity bill is to change them all.
Keep the lights in good condition
With this, Iberdrola seeks to raise awareness of the importance of having light bulbs and lamps in good condition. especially recommends keep them cleanso that the brightness increases and thus avoid having to increase the power or having to turn on two bulbs instead of one, for example.
In this case, they are small changes that we can make and that do not cost us anything, but we can notice important changes that can help save on the bill.
Use presence detectors
He especially recommends it for common and outdoor areas, although you can also apply it to other places. Presence detectors are interesting so that a light bulb turns on or off automatically, without us having to do anything. We are going to win in comfort, but also in savings.
The idea is that the lights are on for the essential time and nothing more. This way you will prevent them from staying on all the time and wasting energy even though we are not really there.
In short, these are some tips that Iberdrola has given so that its customers can save on their electricity bills with home lighting. What do you think of these recommendations? Do you apply all of them?