They want to take your money: this company is in favor of NFTs

In the past week, Mojang, company responsible for the development of Minecraft, made its position clear regarding NFTs: totally prohibited within its universe. This has dealt a serious blow to this technology, since video games are one of the few outlets where they could make sense. However, not all developers share the opinion of Minecraft, and there are other developers, such as Epic Gameswho have strongly criticized Mojang’s decision, positioning themselves in favor of this technology.

After Mojang’s controversial statements, it hasn’t taken long for all kinds of users and developers to appear, seeking to show their support for NFT technology. And one of those who has shown his support for NFTs has been none other than Tim Sweneyfounder and director of Epic Games.

After learning of Mojang’s decision regarding this technology, a user decided to ask the CEO of Epic Games himself for the company’s opinion on the matter. And, although at no time has he shown his full support for it, the answer does make his position very clear.

The director of Epic Games indicates that the problem is that it is the developers who must choose what technologies they want or don’t want to do, and not be swayed by the director’s beliefs or opinions. In other words, at the moment we don’t know if Fortnite, the biggest game from Epic Games, will soon begin to allow NFTs to its players, but what is clear is that at no time will the store prohibit developers from using any technology. , even if they are these controversial NFTs.

The Problem: NFT Worlds

One of the biggest problems that have appeared after Mojang’s decision to ban this type of technology is in NFT Worlds. This platform is built within the world of Minecraft, and allows users to earn money (in the form of tokens) as they play with it. It currently moves about 80 million dollars in content (although the value of its own token has dropped by half after the publication of the Mojang note). Now it is up in the air.

Its managers are already thinking about how to deal with this problem in order to continue operating. Although at the moment there is no definitive solution, some of the proposals on the table are either changing the Minecraft engine for something “similar to Minecraft”, or setting up a GameFi platform.

We will have to wait to see how this problem is solved.

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