This 2022 will be the year of Artificial Intelligence, according to Sage

In recent years, the business ecosystem has experienced an exponential increase in the adoption of digital services, with the aim of adapting business models to the current situation and guaranteeing their continuity. As companies prepare to face a new year full of challenges, from Sage, they propose the use of the Artificial intelligence as a tool to increase productivity and revive growth in 2022.

Currently, data They are one of the most valuable assets of companies. With the implementation of digital solutions, many companies have accumulated huge amounts of customer and employee data, which act as a powerful source of information, and allow drive productivity and connected experiences. For this reason, companies are expected to invest in smart software over the next year, allowing them to detect patterns in their data and gain insights to optimize workloads.

In the area of ​​human resources, AI allows you to track existing data on staff tasks, time sheets, and workloads, to predict the amount of time it will take to complete a task. In this way, the managers of the companies will be able to manage the workload remotely and assign the most appropriate tasks to the different employees.

On the other hand, the implementation of AI in finance and accounting software it also allows detecting patterns in cash flow, identifying anomalies and helping companies make important strategic decisions quickly and efficiently.

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However, when implementing artificial intelligence in processes, it is important to ensure data privacy, which should only be used under the strict compliance with the regulations on this matter. The main objective is to ensure that the insights and predictions obtained are of high quality, but not intrusive to employees and customers.

Natural language processing will become embedded in everyday life

The natural language processing (NLP) is software that uses AI to figure out exactly what is being requested. Although it is already used daily giving voice commands to smart home assistants, this technology is expected to increase its presence in the workplace this year.

Soon, the new solutions of natural language processing integrated in the collaborative software will be able to detect requests when they are issued aloud in a video call, for example. It will understand what is being said to it and will search for the necessary resource in a matter of seconds.

And it will not only exist in the computers; smartphones will also host these tools that, once connected to central business management solutions, will be able to provide up-to-date information on upcoming bills, balances or business forecasts.

Increased regulation for greater safety

However, as artificial intelligence evolves and acquires new capabilities that were previously only reserved for human knowledge, such as creating complete business plans, reviewing job applications or even approving a loan, the problem of whether this technology can really be trusted, considering its current state.

Therefore, during 2022 new regulations for AI will emerge, to which companies will have to adjust quickly and diligently. In Spain, the Government is advancing in this matter through different initiatives, such as the development of the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, the creation of the chair of Artificial Intelligence and Democracy, or the constitution of the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council. In addition, the Government has proposed to Spain for a pilot test of the European Union for regulation in this area. At a global level, UNESCO is already working to create common regulations, and has created recommendations on the ethics of artificial intelligence.

Through an experimental approach, companies now have the opportunity to develop creative ideas and solutions, based on advanced technology such as Artificial Intelligence. And for this, during this year we will once again go hand in hand with our clients, to help them develop and implement all the technological solutions they need”, comment Susan Duran, VP of Digital Experiences at Sage. “Although we cannot predict what the world will bring us in 2022, we are prepared for everything that comes”.

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