Apple is a company that has a wide variety of products within its extensive catalogue, and of course, different tests and different prototypes have been carried out on all of them. Well, today we want to talk to you about one of those prototypes, which is also really curious, and that Apple could launch very soon. Keep reading that we tell you everything.
The Apple MagSafe charger that didn’t launch
As is usual in all companies, before a product sees the light of day, it is normal that it has previously been worked with different prototypes in which different aspects are tested so that the final result is the best possible. This time we have to talk about the famous Apple MagSafe chargerthat as you can see in this post, Apple was working with a prototype that is quite different from the current one in terms of color it means.
The model we are talking about varies simply in its color, and it is that as indicated by the Twitter user @KosutamiSan, Apple’s plans could be the launch of this MagSafe charger in an alternative color to silver, which as can be seen in the image would be a bronze finish, similar to the gold color of the iPhone. Actually, if so, it shouldn’t be too surprising either since something similar happens with the MacBook Air, since Apple introduces the corresponding cable in the box but also gives all users the possibility of being able to separately purchase the MagSafe cable that they they want with the color they want.
Also, @KosutamiSan himself, who is a rare items collector of Apple, also affirms that this finish will not be the only one that Apple will launch, but that the company is working with a wide range of colors in order to offer users a wide range of options. Therefore, it will be necessary to be attentive to the next movements of Apple to confirm if, indeed, it ends up launching more MagSafe chargers in different finishes.
apple and colors
In line with this news, it is interesting to mention the strange relationship that Apple has with colors, especially in certain products, such as AirPods. There have been many rumors that have been dropping the possibility that Apple would launch more colors of the AirPods 3 or AirPods Pro at some point, as is the case with the AirPods Max, however, the company is reluctant to make this move without really have, or at least communicate it, a compelling reason for not doing so.
The same happens with other products such as the MacBook Pro, which are always available in the same finishes, while for example the MacBook Air does have a different range of colors. What is clear is that you cannot trust Apple, since it has not defined a clear pattern in this regard, so you will have to be aware of what movements it makes in relation to this surprising news.