ThreatQuotient automates the detection of new cyber threats

Understand and stop cyber threats much more effectively. This is the purpose of ThreatQuotientan intelligent platform that, integrated into the range of security solutions of any company, allows companies to prepare effectively not only for the threats that are directly affecting them at the moment, but also those that may arise in a near future.

In this sense, using different sources of information, both public and private, the platform helps teams to prioritize, automate and collaborate on security incidents; it enables more focused decision-making and maximizes the use of company resources, so that they can focus on offering a clear response to those threats that, in fact, represent a real danger to their assets.

To further automate these operations, the company has launched ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator, an orchestrator that enables more efficient and effective operations and can be directly measured by time savings, improved risk management, and increased confidence in detecting and responding to a threat. Among its most interesting features, the following stand out:

  • Prioritize the automation in the most important alerts with the context of threat intelligence and other internal and external sources. A feedback loop captures the results to improve the automation flow over time.
  • the safety manuals they are easier to maintain as a result of smart collections being used to abstract automation logic. Structured automation enables immediate action when a complex response is not needed; and automation packages prioritize vulnerabilities and help users get started with common use cases quickly.
  • Code-free user interface makes less upfront training requiredwhich further reduces cost of ownership and allows users to rely less on their organization’s technical resources, which can be a bottleneck (for example, waiting for internal developers to work through their backlog and write the automations of the security manual).

As explained Eutimio Fernandez, General Director of ThreatQuotient for Spain, these types of platforms are currently very interesting for public administrations, the protection of critical infrastructures and sectors such as banking, insurance and others that are usually targeted by the most sophisticated attackers. The company, which began its activity in our country two years ago, works with partners such as Inycom to expand the profile of companies for which it may be interesting to have a solution that, as the manager states, “has an ROI of between 170 % and 230% in one year.

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