Until New Year, this antivirus for Windows is at an insane price (-75%)

Since 1997, Intego has offered world-class antivirus. If you want to protect your computer running Windows, here is a special offer for the end of the year that cannot be refused.

Every day, thousands of computer attacks are carried out by unscrupulous hackers. This is aimed at both individuals and businesses: no one is immune. In a matter of minutes, you can lose everything on your computer. To avoid this risk, having an antivirus for Windows PC is essential.

For a long time, antivirus software was expensive, inefficient and hindered navigation. Today, a few players stand out for their reliability and efficiency. So when they also combine an attractive price as is the case with Intego, it is the pompom. Its antivirus for Windows is 15.99 euros instead of 63.99 euros per year, or 75% reduction.

See Intego for Windows

Free antiviruses are no longer making revenue: they are limited and they often resell customer data to finance their structure. In an area as delicate as cybersecurity and (sensitive) customer data, it is to be avoided. Fortunately, IT security specialists like Intego sometimes have offers that make their technology accessible to everyone. Its New Year’s offer costs around 1 euro per month: go for it!

Safety and comfort at Intego

In 1997, the American company Intego launched its first antivirus. Long specialized in Mac, it then developed by developing defense software for Windows. Several security experts (like Virus Bulletin) claim that it is able to remove 100% of all viruses and malware from PCs. If you want one efficient tool, Intego will do the trick.

With more than 30 million customers worldwide, Intego has a network large enough to identify the spread of a possible threat. Its team of researchers is active 24/7 to develop solutions to protect its customers’ computers. If the Windows antivirus will run in the background of the PC, it will not slow it down or interfere with browsing. No more anxiety-provoking popups from free antiviruses.

By opting for a tool like this Intego software, you will be protected while browsing online. The Web Shield option also allows you to have an alert when you are on a fraudulent site (phishing type) to avoid scams. Clearly, Intego is perfectly updated and up to standard with the attacks that we saw in 2021. It deserves its place among the benchmark antiviruses in 2021. In terms of value for money, it challenges Bitdefender or McAfee with a price twice lower and performance as good.

Right now and until the new year, Intego is selling off its antivirus for Windows with a 75% discount. This offer is only valid for the first year and for one device. However, you can play on these two parameters to save even more money. Then know that you can cancel your Intego subscription at any time.

To discover its offer, it’s here:

I take advantage of the Intego offer

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