
Whatever it is, this claustrophobic submarine game is breaking sales records

Iron Lung

No one understands the human being, and as shown, what has happened to the iron lung video game. This game has barely sold units in recent months, however, since the loss of the submarine that explores the vicinity of the Titanic was announced, its creator has not stopped recording sales breaking records. Seeing is believing.

Iron Lung, another claustrophobic submarine

Iron Lung

For some reason (you don’t have to be too smart to know), Iron Lung is breaking sales records. It is a game in which we will have to enter a small submarine that only one person can enter, and where with little instrumentation and very little visibility of the environment, we will have to move through the sea depths without knowing what surrounds us .

Yes, the proposal is quite similar to what would be a $250,000 ride aboard the Titan, the 5-person submarine operated by the OceanGate company and which has ended up having the fateful end that we all now know.

The inconvenience of the sales that the game is generating is such that its own creator has commented on Twitter that he felt bad after seeing how the game’s sales have gone from accumulating between 5 and 10 sales per day to reaching almost 40 daily in the last days.

unscrupulous gamers

Today we are not going to be surprised by the attitude that society tends to take on all kinds of issues, so after the many memes that have appeared around the submarine, seeing how this game succeeds in sales (at least with respect to what it did before), we are not really surprised.

And it is that the game actually has absolutely nothing to do with the exploration of the Titanic, since without going any further what its creator proposes is a horror adventure in which we do not know exactly what surrounds us, and where we will have to immerse ourselves in a rather nasty sea of ​​blood.

The morbid, sells

Neither its creator nor steam have been promoting the game in recent days where the news revolved around the fateful event of the Titan submarine. The users themselves have been the ones who, interested in the theme of submarines, have managed to come up with a game that would imitate the feeling of claustrophobia in the depths of the sea. The store’s algorithm may have helped to squeeze out the sudden success even more, but it is clear that the main fault lies with the mind of those who decided to look for submarine games.

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