WhatsApp will update its usage policies: how will it affect you?

The instant messaging application WhatsApp It is used all over the world to communicate daily, whether for family, work or simply entertainment. This app has positioned itself as one of the most downloaded thanks to the fact that it is offered for free.

However, in recent months this application has been involved in a series of controversies derived from changes in its policies and conditions of use, which users did not like. This issue was so strong that even the company was forced to give up, leaving its conditions as is.

Although it was believed that this episode had completely closed, apparently the application would have other plans in mind, derived from the problems generated by the first change of policies for the use of WhatsApp. The instant messaging app will be forced to perform new settings.

What happened to WhatsApp?

The instant messaging application, WhatsApp, announced at the beginning of the year that it would make some changes to its privacy policies, this news caused a stir and confusion among users by not really knowing what was going to happen with their data and account.

Months later, in May 2021 The company made the decision to decline the process, leaving it up to the users to accept or not the new terms (without their service or account being affected), continuing with the “normal” operation of the application.

WhatsApp must change its usage policies

The Data Regulator in Ireland (DPC), in recent months, opened an investigation folder to determine if the new conditions of use that WhatsApp proposed met the Data Protection Regulation. After concluding this investigation, the entity determined that there were various violations.

For this reason, WhatsApp received a fine with 225 million euros, a figure that represents the second largest sanction in terms of data management and protection. In addition to the sanction, the application must once again modify its usage policies to comply with European regulations.

What will change in WhatsApp?

Although the details of these changes are unknown for now, it is known thanks to information from the BBC that the adjustments that the app will have will be designed to “add additional details about existing practices” and will only appear in the European version of the policy of privacy, which is already different from the version that is applied in the rest of the world.

There are no changes to our processes or contractual agreements with users, and users will not be obliged to accept anything or take any action to continue using WhatsApp.

The company also emphasized that its service will continue to operate normally, under the strict security measures they implement, such as the end-to-end encryption, which in other words means that the messages can only be read by the sender and the recipient.

For Mexico, and the rest of the countries the conditions of use and policies will remain the same, that is, they will not undergo any type of modification, for now.


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