
Why now is the best time to change your electricity rate

To save on the electricity bill, something very important is to choose very well which rate to contract. There are many options, as you can see simply by doing an Internet search. You can have a rate with hourly discrimination or pay the same regardless of what time you consume energy. But there are times when it may be interesting to review what you have contracted. In this article we tell you why it is a good time to change your electricity rate.

Good time to review the electricity rate

He winter is over, the temperature has risen a lot in recent days and it is normal that we no longer have many cold peaks. This will mean that, at least on paper, we do not consume as much electricity as in the months of December-February. But also, having spent the winter, you will be able to analyze your bills very well and see how much you have consumed, how much in peak and valley periods, the maximum power you have used, etc.

This can give you an idea of ​​what you could get to consume in summer. When the heat arrives, you will also surely have to use appliances such as air conditioning to cool your home. Therefore, we can say that we are in a few months in which consumption is going to be somewhat lower and it is a good time to rethink what to do in the face of summer.

if at analyze your bill you see that consumption has been excessive, more than it should, it may be a perfect time to consider looking for another rate. For example, you could see that it pays for you to have time discrimination or, on the contrary, switch to a rate that costs the same regardless of what time you consume electricity.

Also, you may have more contracted power than you really need. Keep in mind that for each additional kW, you will be paying approximately €40 per year. If, for example, you have contracted 2 kW more than you need, you could save around €80 per year if you check your rate.

Changing the rate can mean very significant savings

According to OCUin extreme cases we can reach save up to €1000 in the annual electricity bill when changing from one rate to another. Logically this will depend on what rate you have contracted, how much you consume and the time habits you have in case of time discrimination.

As you can see, changing the contracted electricity rate is something very interesting in many cases. You could save money each month if you find one that is a better fit for what you need. These weeks is a good time to compare how much you have spent during the winter months, which are quite consuming, and thus analyze if it really pays for you to hire another.

In short, if you are looking pay less on your electricity bill We recommend that you compare the multiple rates that exist. The main thing is to see if you are interested in a rate with hourly discrimination or not. From there, see if the regulated or free market suits you, as well as the different options that are available. You can always use home automation to improve the network, although it is important that Wi-Fi networks appear well.

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