Windows has many functions that we can use for our connections. One of them is the remote desktop, which can be very useful in many cases to access files from anywhere, for example. Now, the truth is that for home users, the vast majority, it really is a feature that few use. Is it good to have it enabled? It can become a security problem if a vulnerability appears and we have an outdated system. Therefore, in this article we tell you how disable remote desktop in windows.
What to do to remove remote desktop in Windows
He windows remote desktop It allows you to connect to your PC from outside, but if you don’t use it, it’s another risk to your security. They could use it to hack you, in case some vulnerability appears and you don’t fix it in time. Although it is a useful feature, if you do not use it, it may be better to disable it.
The main reason is that it uses the RDP protocol, which is often widely used by hackers to launch attacks. If they exploit it, they could take control of the systems. From there you are lost, since they could steal data, sneak malware, etc. Disabling this feature will help you avoid problems.
The first option you have is to go to Setting, enter System and there look for the Remote Desktop section. You simply have to click on the button on the right to deactivate it. Windows Remote Desktop will automatically stop being active. You can reverse it at any time.
Another option is to go to Start, enter the control Panel, you access System and security, System and Remote Desktop. It will take you to the same previous section and once again you just have to click on deactivate.
You can also use the firewall Windows to block remote desktop. In this case you have to go to Start and open the Windows firewall and click on the option Allow an application or a feature through Windows Defender Firewall. You simply have to uncheck the allow box.
The sum of everything is what allows you to avoid attacks
Keep in mind that to really protect your devices it is important that several things are met. On the one hand, it is essential to avoid making mistakes, such as clicking on a fake link, putting personal data where you shouldn’t, installing an unofficial program… That can lead to hackers hacking you.
It is also essential to have a good security program. Using an antivirus is key to avoiding problems. There are many options, both free and paid. What you should look at is that they are reliable and comply with what you expect in order to avoid computer attacks on your devices. You must prevent the antivirus from blocking Chrome and other programs.
On the other hand, keep the updated system It will correct many bugs that may appear. This will be essential to solve vulnerabilities that may exist, for example, in the remote desktop of Windows. Therefore, always update the system and any program you use.
As you can see, disabling Windows remote desktop is very simple. If you have it enabled and don’t really need it, turning it off can help improve security and prevent certain attacks.