To be protected on the Internet, we can take into account different factors. It is key to have the devices with a good antivirus and updated, but it is also important to use keys that are complex and prevent the entry of intruders. What happen? If any of this fails, the whole thing could come crashing down and we could be exposed.
Lots of people make mistakes with passwords.
The main problem is that a large percentage of people they don’t protect passwords correctly. It is estimated that over 75% make a mistake when using passwords to protect their accounts on social networks, email or banking applications. And that’s a serious mistake, as hackers could take advantage of it.
But what are the main errors? One of them is to use a weak password, easy to memorize and that also contains personal data. For example, it is common to use things like the name, date of birth, mobile number… Potential intruders are the first thing they will try. They will even cross all this data to see if there is any combination that they use in the password.
Also, plain and simple keys are still widely used. We talk about some like “123456” and the like. Easy to memorize, but of course they are very insecure. It does not matter if you are going to protect the PIN of the card, your email, social networks or whatever; it is essential to never use this type of keys.
Another mistake is to use a same password in various places. Even if you have a super secure one, it is a mistake to use it in your Facebook account and in the mail, for example. What can happen? If they steal the Facebook password, for example, for whatever reason, it would have a ripple effect and they could try it to get into mail and other platforms.
Create secure keys
We are going to give you some tips so that you can create completely reliable passwords and do not put your Internet accounts at risk. As you can see, avoiding errors of this type is important so as not to have problems on the network. They could access your information, impersonate you, and even control your device.
The first thing is that you believe totally random passwords. It is important that they have letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols. It is also essential that they do not contain anything that could relate to you, such as your name. The length is another factor to take into account and we recommend that they have at least 12 characters. The more the better.
You should also keep in mind that it is good change them from time to time. A password today may be very secure, but at one time it might not be. There could be leaks, for example, and a hypothetical intruder could take advantage of it to break into your account. Although there is no set time, it is better to change it every 3 months than every 6, to give you an idea.
On the other hand, use password managers It will help you create secure keys and store them safely. You can use platforms like 1Password or LastPass. There are many options and you just have to make sure you use one that is guaranteed. Keep in mind that the time to crack a password will depend on how secure it is, so a key manager can help you.
In short, as you can see, it is very important not to make mistakes with passwords. It is an essential security barrier to protect your accounts and you should always take certain precautions when you go to register on the Internet and create passwords that are appropriate.