
Animate your child’s favorite stuffed animal and make their own movie with this AI

Everything related to the multimedia sector of the software that we use on our PC is becoming more powerful and offers more advanced functions. Now, after the arrival of the Artificial intelligence to a multitude of platforms and applications, we can get much more out of our photos, videos and animations.

I am sure that over the last few months you have detected significant growth in the different AI-focused platforms that we have at our fingertips. A good part of all this initially came from the success of services such as ChatGPT, although now things have gone much further. As we mentioned before, AI has now reached the multimedia sector, with which we will be able to obtain truly spectacular results.

We are going to show you a clear example of all this below with this platform based on Artificial Intelligence that allows us to create our own animations through inanimate objects. For example, we can create animations using AI to entertain our children using their favorite stuffed animal. All this in an extremely simple way and without the need for advanced knowledge in this type of multimedia tasks.

Obviously what we can achieve with this doll, is something that we can carry out with any other object. In this specific case, what we are going to try is to create a video that makes the little ones in the house smile, since it is based on their normally inanimate doll. Next, we will see what we need to achieve this goal that we are talking about, all of it using an interesting AI platform.

How to animate a photo with Artificial Intelligence

The first thing we are going to do to animate our children’s favorite stuffed animal is to take a picture of it. Of course, we recommend you use a background that is as neutral as possible so that we can cut it out and convert it into an image of Transparent background, which is the most interesting for these tasks. This is something that we can do with Adobe Photoshop or any other moderately advanced photo editing program. For example, this is something that we can achieve very quickly with the magic wand tool.

Upload Photo AI

Regarding the Artificial Intelligence platform that we are going to use in this case, to create the teddy animation We will use Animated Drawings. Here the first thing we will do is upload the image once we have already cut it out, belonging to the doll. All this after clicking on the Get Started button and then on Upload Photo.

Depending on its size and the power of our equipment, the Artificial Intelligence application may take a few seconds to complete. process the image. Next, we only have to mark on the AI ​​platform the movement points that we want to assign to the stuffed animal. For example, in this case it is advisable to use the supposed joints of the doll.

movement ai

And ready, once this is done we can see the different animations that the AI ​​generates automatically with the image of the doll so that we can show it to our children. All this, as we have seen, quickly and easily thanks to the functionality of this platform. In addition, these animations that are generated later can be used in video editing programs with some kind of background.

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