
Check this before choosing where to upload your files to the cloud

Using the cloud is something very common to host content of all kinds and have it always available. There are many services that we can use, such as Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox, to name a few. But there are many more and they are not always reliable or adequate. Therefore, in this article we are going to talk about what you should look at before upload files to the cloud. The goal is to avoid problems that may affect you.

What to look for when using the cloud to host content

Have files uploaded to the cloud It is useful to access from anywhere, share it with other people, for security… But it is essential to use a good platform and that it really serves us in a positive way. It is key to install a guarantee program when it comes to hosting personal documents.

Available capacity

The first thing you should look at is what capacity it has for store files. This is important, since you may need to store many documents or folders that take up too much. You can find important differences, since there are platforms that offer something as basic as just 50 or 100 MB, while others are even talking about several Terabytes.

Those that are free will be limited. For example, Google Drive offers 15 GB for free. If you want more, you will have to pay. You must calculate how much you need and thus be able to choose the cloud service that best suits you.

platform security

Of course, the security is a very important factor. You should not make mistakes in this section. It is key to choose a service that has encryption and correctly protects all the files that you are going to upload. Otherwise, they could be exposed for anyone to view without your permission.

The best thing is that you use recognized platforms, which have good ratings. Read the information very well before opting for one service or another. An alternative is to use the private cloud, also very secure.

Be able to share files with ease

Want share files with other users? In this case, the ideal is to use a platform that allows you to easily share documents and any type of file. In this way, you will be able to share the content with friends and family from any device, without the need to use a flash drive or hard drive.

In some cases they will even be able to access the documents and edit them in the cloud. This is ideal for joint work, for example.

Internet cloud storage

Create automatic copies

Generate backups It is important to preserve the files and not have problems. For example, if you suffer a ransomware attack, your files would be in danger. You could lose all the content of that computer that has been attacked. A backup can help you narrow down the problem.

Ideally, this backup can be done automatically. This will prevent you from forgetting or going too long without saving the files.

Use the cloud on multiple devices

It is also a good idea to use a cloud platform that allows you to use it in different types of devices. For example, being able to use it both on the computer and on the mobile gives you greater flexibility. If you limit yourself to just one service that works on PC, you won’t be able to use it anywhere.

Therefore, it is better to choose a platform that you can use on multiple devices. It will be ideal in order to make the most of its usability.

In short, as you can see, it is important to choose well which cloud service you are going to use to save your files. That will save you problems and you will be able to have everything available anywhere. There is a wide range of options available on the Internet among which you can choose the one that best suits what you need.

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