
DLSS 3.1 is now available for developers

A few months have passed since NVIDIA presented, together with the GeForce RTX 40, DLSS 3, the great evolution of its intelligent rescaling system based on artificial intelligence and that, thanks to the novelties of its new graphics cards, represents an important qualitative leap with respect to its predecessorsince it not only improves the already existing functions in DLSS 2, but also adds others as interesting as the frame generator, capable of doubling the frame rate, ending, at the same time, the problem of the CPU bottleneck.

Since then they have not stopped adding titles to the list of games compatible with DLSS 3, a couple of weeks ago we reviewed their present and future, which clearly shows that their level of adoption by the industry is very high and that Therefore, throughout 2023 we can expect to see how many more titles are added, including the vast majority of the most important releases of the year, giving us compelling reasons to make the leap to the new generation or, if we prefer, , to GeForce Now Ultimate.

Be that as it may, no matter how innovative a technology is, will begin to lose said qualifier from the first moment in which it is completed. In many sectors, but especially in technology, in a short time an absolute novelty can end up becoming something commonplace. This is the reason why the phrase “movement is demonstrated by walking” finds its translation into the digital ecosystem in something like “evolution is demonstrated by updating”.

DLSS 3.1 is now available for developers

That is precisely what NVIDIA has done, which just released the DLSS 3.1 SDK so developers can start implementing it into their games. And although among its novelties we find the usual bug fixes and performance improvements, but beyond that, there is a tremendously interesting novelty not only for developers, but also for all users who have a compatible graphics card.

I mean the first entry in the list of what’s new, which you can see in the GitHub repository where the SDK has been published, and which indicates that “Added the ability to stay up to date with the latest DLSS enhancements«. And what does this mean? Well, developers can use a feature that automatically checks for new versions of DLSS and, if so, will automatically install them. Thus, the developers will make sure that the corrections and improvements are applied in an automated way, for the benefit of their users.

Besides, DLSS 3.1 also presents a significant improvement in terms of flexibility, since it will allow you to customize the DLSS settings based on different aspect ratios and, I find this especially interesting, depending on the content of the game. In this way, games can take full advantage of DLSS without having to stick to predetermined aspect ratios, which is a huge boost to game creators’ creativity.

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