
Do not buy a smart power strip if it does not have these characteristics

What a good smart power strip should have

A smart power strip the main function it has is to power connect multiple devices and control them remotely. There are models that have two plugs, three, four or more. But beyond that possibility, not all have the same characteristics or functions. Therefore, it is interesting to choose one that is really useful.

consumption meter

An interesting feature is that it has built-in consumption meter. That will allow you to know how much a specific appliance consumes. It is useful to check that everything is going well, that something is not using more electricity than normal and also to be able to save on the bill.

Not all models have this feature, but it is becoming more common. It is similar to a Wi-Fi plug, which can have this function. You simply connect a television, oven, microwave or whatever and it is capable of measuring how much it is consuming.

energy efficiency A

This feature is more thinking about energy saving. When you buy any device, and this also includes smart power strips, you will see a label that reflects energy efficiency. Ideally it should be type A. They are the most efficient, so they will consume less energy.

Keep in mind that a power strip will consume electricity. It is true that we are talking about very small amounts, but it is still one more device that you are going to have connected to the current. Therefore, if it is energy efficient, much better.

You can see some smart power strip options:

surge protection

If you use a poor quality power strip, you can put your connected devices at risk. You could have problems in case there is surge and that they suffer a overload. For example, if you connect a computer, you could put at risk all the information it has stored if any complication of this type arises.

There are power strip models that have this feature incorporated. What they do is protect the appliances and devices that are connected. In this way, it manages to avoid problems that affect the operation or even cause a device to stop working forever.

Being able to control each shot individually

Another interesting feature in a smart power strip is being able to connect devices individually. For example, if you have a power strip with three plugs, you could decide which one to turn off and which one not. You will not need to turn off the entire power strip and that this affects the three devices that you have connected.

It is true that this feature is very present, but you could run into a power strip that does not have this function. It can especially happen in those that are cheaper and that do not have such good benefits.

In short, if you are going to buy a smart power strip for your home, keep in mind what we have explained. In this way you will buy a device that really works for you and you will avoid problems when connecting household appliances and other devices. Sometimes you will have to solve problems with the Internet at home to connect the power strips without problems.

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