
Do you spend too much on heating? Check out these tips to help you save

Enjoying the winter at home involves maintaining a pleasant temperature inside, no more than 19ºC or 20ºC in general, although it is possible to have a little more temperature in areas such as bathrooms. Abuse of this temperature can lead us to spend too much and that the gas or electricity bill surprises us at the end of the month. We propose a series of tricks that you can use to save on heating this winter without getting cold.

Tricks for electric heating

There are many tricks when it comes to saving on energy costs when it comes to electric heating. For example, adapt the thermostat to a temperature that does not exceed 21 degrees to avoid, in addition to drying out the environment, keep our heating system working for longer. One of the saving factors in electric heating that we do not usually take into account is the type of heat emitter. That is to say, it depends on the characteristics of our house, we should install one emitter or another. Two exists:

  • dry emitter: These are the air conditioners that, although they quickly heat the room, also lose the temperature just as quickly. Therefore, its installation is recommended in small rooms that do not require constant use. In this way, we will reduce electricity consumption.
  • fluid emitter: They are what we know as radiators. Although they take longer to reach the ideal temperature, they maintain it for longer. This means that we will turn it on for less time to enjoy a pleasant temperature. Its use is recommended for rooms that require constant use.

Finally, the device we use to regulate heating will also help us save. Undoubtedly, if we want to have the highest energy efficiency, we must discard the analog, since it does not allow programming and this somehow makes consumption more expensive. While the digital ones are the most appropriate due to their ability to program them and adapt them to a specific schedule, thus reducing the cost of electricity.

Tricks for gas heating

Possibly you have already read tricks such as not placing anything on top of the radiators, purging them or improving the insulation of the house. A very interesting tip is to buy automatic vents for each of the radiators, in this way, we can remove the air automatically without having to go one by one. All these tricks are true and have clear evidence of energy savings. However, a differential factor is overlooked when it comes to saving on gas costs: the type of boiler.

Save on heating by maintaining a correct temperature

Having a condensing boiler is possibly one of the most effective ways to save while using heating. These are equipped with an energy recovery system from the condensation of the fumes generated during combustion. This represents a saving that reaches 30% compared to other older models.

Another aspect to consider is buying a WiFi digital thermostat like the ones from Netatmo or Tado, and you can even buy smart thermostatic valves to define a different temperature in each room of your home, ideal to save as much as possible and not have all the rooms at the same time. same temperature. This is useful to leave the kitchen, living room and some bathrooms at a lower temperature at night, and the main room where you are sleeping at an optimal temperature of about 20ºC.

Tips for heating wood / pellets

By now we all agree that using a pellet or wood stove is cheaper than electric or gas heating. However, the rise in prices in all areas and sectors of society was not going to ignore firewood or pellets and now we are looking for ways to save when buying this material. Well, a good way to save if you are going to use this type of heating is to buy these fuels in summer, when they are cheaper. It is also advisable to buy in large quantities, so it will be cheaper than individual bags. The downside is that you’ll need enough space to physically store all of this, so it’s not within everyone’s reach.

Finally, whether your heating is electric, gas or based on wood/pellet stoves, a good way to save consumption is by having good insulation. This involves closing the windows and doors so that the minimum amount of hot air from the interior escapes and the minimum amount of cold air from the outside enters. This simple action can prevent the loss of up to 25% of the heat in the house.

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