
How to check the quality at which you watch Netflix from the browser

We keep talking about Netflix and not for the better because of one of its most reprehensible features: transmission quality of service, specifically, when you are viewing it through a web browser. A subject in principle overcome, except for those who have not even found out.

Conexto: unlike the rest of the VOD services, not all Netflix plans do not offer the same audiovisual quality, and that is depending on what you pay, you can aspire to one level or another. By quality in this case we are going to understand resolution, since other parameters are not even taken into account in this sense, even though they are one of the main ballasts of video on demand, not only for Netflix, but in general.

Thus, Netflix is ​​so cheap that only those who pay 17.99 euros for the Premium plan can watch content in 4K; with the Standard Plan of 12.99 euros per month you can see content up to 1080p, the same for the new plan with ads; and those who are satisfied with the Basic plan of 7.99 euros per month, also have to do so with a maximum resolution of 720p (all this, among other limitations that are irrelevant now).

The point is that if you are to watch Netflix in your web browser, both your subscription level and the browser you use matter, because all but one are limited to 720p video resolution. Yes, 720p in the middle of 2023. How can you check it? It’s very simple: with the key combination «Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D«. Once you run it, you will see a lot of data appear on the screen, among which the one at hand is indicated.

Look for the section that starts with the option “playing bitrate» to see the resolution at which you are playing the content: if it is in 720p (1280×720 pixels), 1080p (1920×1080 pixels) or 4K (3840×2160 pixels).


What you are wondering, obviously, is which is that browser that does allow you to play Netflix content in the quality you have contracted. Well, it is what it has always been: microsoft edge. Additionally, you can use the official Netflix application for Windows, which you will find available in the Microsoft Store and which also offers this possibility. Yes, there are other ways to do the same with other browsers, but they are more complicated. Not worth it.

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