
I get a lot of friend requests on Facebook, this is the reason and it’s not so pretty

receive a Facebook friend request It is not something surprising, unless they are many at once or very strange. Many users are now receiving many messages indicating that a new contact wants to add them. But what is happening? It is dangerous? In this article we tell you what happens. We explain what is happening and how it can affect you. There are several reasons, as you will see.

It must be taken into account that Facebook is one of the most used social networks, so when something like this appears it can affect many users. Knowing how to identify when a friend request can be dangerous is vital to keep safe and not have problems in the devices.

Many requests arrive on Facebook

From Meta they have indicated that there has been a bug on facebook due to a recent update. This problem has led to the sending of many unwanted friend requests, simply for accessing certain profiles. This is a technical oversight, an error, which has also caused a lot of confusion among users.

We are facing a ruling that has affected privacy of the user, which has made Meta apologize. They ensure that the error has already been corrected and that these requests will not be repeated. It should be noted that even on Twitter there have been users who have shown screenshots of a large number of requests.

It is important to indicate that this mistake It has been able to bring significant problems to certain users. For example, they may have sent friend requests to people they did not want to have contact with or even wanted to block from the social network. It could have generated significant confusion.

In addition, it comes at a time when Meta has cut jobs in the organization. That has also raised questions about whether this incident is related to that or not. What is certain is that it is a problem that has affected the privacy of many users.

The bot problem, another reason

Regardless of this specific Facebook problem, which they have already solved, there is another reason why you may receive many friend requests: the bots. They are fake users, who they can create simply to have you as a friend and to be able to access certain information, send you messages, etc.

This is something that is very present in social networks. It is a problem that has not stopped growing in recent years. It can be something serious, since in the event that they send you fraudulent messages, they could steal your passwords if you make some mistakes. It is what is also known as Phishing by social networks.

The most important thing for be protected of this threat is to keep common sense. Do not make mistakes by adding fake users of this type. Do not click on links that are sent to you, or share personal information that may be requested. Do not trust these types of profiles.

As you can see, they could send you Facebook friend requests that are actually not real. It is possible that you have received some due to this error on the social network that we have mentioned, but also even due to false accounts. Detecting bots in social networks is key in order to improve security.

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