
InPost delivered 44% more packages in Europe in 2022

The logistics company, InPost, delivered 745 million packages in 2022, 44% more than the previous year, consolidating itself as an increasingly popular option among those who make purchases online and positioning itself as a reference option for more and more users.

growth is sustained in its hybrid network of Punto Pack and lockers, that they are, respectively, neighborhood businesses that act as intermediaries and collect the packages delivered by the couriers and then deliver them to their owners; or vice versa, they collect the packages that the users deliver so that the courier companies can collect them. The lockers, for their part, they are smart lockers located in strategic places with high public attendance where the couriers deposit the packages so that the user can pick them up whenever they want.

These two InPost options offer a greater degree of freedom to the user, since they do not have to worry about being at home when the courier arrives with their order: it is the user himself who decides at which Pack Point or Locker he wants to receive his package and when He’ll come pick it up”Explain Nicola D’Elia, CEO in Spain, Portugal and Italy of the InPost group.

Sustainability as axis

Since it is the user who chooses where to pick up their order, they will almost always choose a Pack or Locker Point that is located near their workplace, their children’s school or in shops they visit frequently. This makes it possible to eliminate journeys by motor vehicle, since users generally go on foot to these points to pick up their packages. A study by South Pole, a consulting and development company for climate projects, carried out in the city of Saragossaestimated that 83 grams of CO2e were emitted when delivering a package under an InPost delivery model to a non-home address, compared to 229 grams of a traditional door-to-door model, a difference in emissions of 146 grams of CO2e saved by the atmosphere with each package delivered to a Pack Point or locker.

“These figures are one more reason for us to continue promoting our model, since we seek more efficient, sustainable and comfortable deliveries. both for the user and for the eCommerce, and the data, which is also external, shows us that we are meeting these objectives, in line with our intention to be carbon neutral as a company by 2040”D’Elia points out.

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The company seeks to involve society in the achievement of a more sustainable logistics model, And for this reason, it encourages the participation of its employees in sustainability projects and suggests that users who choose this delivery option come to pick up their packages on foot or by bicycle, also to improve their physical condition and well-being.

Support for local and proximity businesses

In parallel, the InPost model contributes to revitalize local commerce, given that the businesses that become Punto Pack obtain a series of benefits that range from economic, with income up to 20% higher, to advertising, since being Punto Pack helps them to become known among new potential clients.

When a business becomes a Punto Pack, it not only receives a commission for each package that is collected and later delivered to its owner, but rather that user who picks up their order many times makes a purchase and becomes a new customer, which allows you to advertise your business without investing a single penny”, D’Elia points out.

Thanks to sustained growth, InPost has invoiced 1,500 million euros in 2022, 53.8% more than in 2021, with an EBITDA of more than 418 million euros, 20.6% more than the previous year. “These are the best economic data in our history as a company, and we owe this both to users, who choose the NO-home delivery option when making their purchases, and to the more than 90,000 e-commerce sites that offer our option. of delivery, as well as the 50,000 Punto Pack and Lockers who strive every day to make a more sustainable, efficient and economical delivery model a reality for all”, he emphasizes.

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