The manufacturing price of the Apple Vision Pro unveiled, the future Model 3 spotted in the streets of California, employees losing their jobs because of ChatGPT, this is the recap of the week.
ChatGPT is already starting to replace some workers and Tesla is working on the new version of its Model 3. While hackers are already offering solutions to the end of Netflix account sharing, the battery health check tool is preparing coming to Android 14 and Chinese wellsenn XR researchers reveal that Apple’s mixed reality headset costs the company $1,509 to make.
The Vision Pro would cost Apple more than $1,500 to manufacture
It was last Monday that Apple formalized its new product, the Apple Vision Pro, which promises to shake up the augmented reality market. Apple’s future mixed reality headset should appeal to many users, despite an advertised retail price of around $3,500. Chinese wellsenn XR researchers say the headset could cost the company around $1,500 to manufacture.
Read: Apple Vision Pro: Here’s how much it costs to make the mixed reality headset
A new battery health checker tool on Android 14
While the battery health check tool has already been available for several years on iOS, Google finally seems to have decided to integrate this particularly important feature into its OS. The American journalist Mishaal Rahman has indeed spotted an application, called Batt, within the source code of the beta of Android 14, suggesting that the tool could be natively implemented in the OS.
Read: Android 14: Google will finally add this essential system tool to any mobile device
Hackers Bypass Netflix’s End of Account Sharing
Barely in force, Netflix’s account sharing measure is already circumvented by hackers. Indeed, several offers are already available, and allow Internet users to access hacked Netflix accounts in exchange for only a few euros. Users can thus share their account again with 5 other users.
Read: Netflix: hacked identifiers for sale on the Internet already make it possible to circumvent the end of account sharing
Tesla is currently working on a new version of the Model 3
This year could see the birth of a new version of the Tesla Model 3. If the car manufacturer has not yet formalized this Model 3 2.0, we already know that the electric sedan responds to the code name Project Highland. A camouflaged prototype was recently spotted on California roads and gives a preview of the design of the future electric vehicle.
Read: Tesla Model 3: the new version makes a remarkable appearance in California
Several employees testify after being replaced by ChatGPT
Two content creators took advantage of an interview with the Washington Post to share their experience after being fired and replaced by ChatGPT. Indeed, employers are already starting to replace workers with the much more economical chatbot. Even if the AI writes inferior articles compared to a real person, companies could quickly turn to ChatGPT, which is cheaper than an employee.
Read: ChatGPT is already replacing workers, the first testimonies are chilling