
News: game stores hit the Microsoft Store, Edge uses less battery and more

It must be taken into consideration that over the years we handle a greater amount of sensitive information from these computers. Hence, the measures to be taken so that it does not fall into the wrong hands are increasing.

Users discard programs and social networks for privacy

In fact, a recent study by the company Cisco has collected some interesting data in this regard. Thanks to the survey that has been carried out at this time, we can affirm that the concern for the aforementioned Privacy it is growing significantly.

To give us an idea of ​​what we are talking about, this survey has revealed that around 33% of respondents have decided to stop using services and platforms of certain companies due to privacy issues. Here they refer to both software elements and social platforms that did not give them sufficient guarantees regarding the data shared here.

And it is that more and more people have serious doubts about the treatment that these firms make of their personal data. In this way, since they do not have reliable information, 1/3 of users prefer to stop using the services of these companies.

Edge will consume less battery in future versions

Speaking of internet browsers, one of the most interesting and used proposals that does not stop growing at the moment is that of Microsoft. We refer to the new Edge that replaces the original that was launched together with Windows 10. There are a good number of users that little by little are migrating from other competitors such as Firefox or Chrome towards this powerful alternative.

windows battery

In fact, the firm does not stop testing new features to improve both the user experience, the security and the appearance of the program. We tell you all this because right now the software giant is testing a new Efficiency mode that will allow Edge to consume much less battery of your equipment in the next versions. The autonomy of our mobile devices, including laptops, is something that many users take into account.

First game stores to hit the Microsoft Store

Among the many aesthetic and functional novelties that we are going to find in the new Windows 11, one of the most striking may be its new official store. We refer to the Microsoft Store that will be included with this version of the system and in which we will be able to download traditional versions of programs, in addition to the UWP. At the same time, the software giant has already announced that it plans to include some PC game stores.

Epic Game Library

Therefore, at this time we can confirm that the first two game stores that will reach the official store, the Windows Store, will be Amazon and Epic games. There is no doubt that this is an important movement, among others, that Microsoft is leading so that the official store of its operating system has the importance that it perhaps should have.

Windows 11 does not stop growing in use before its launch

We are just a few days from official launch of Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 11. But, oddly enough, if we take a look at the market penetration data published by AdDuplex corresponding to the month of September, this system already has a penetration of 1.3% of the total market.

i use windows

In fact, we can affirm that this use is growing exponentially, for example, if we compare it with the 0.9% penetration it had in July. At the same time Windows 10 version 21H1 is the most popular of the operating system with a 38.1% market share, closely followed by 20H2 with 36.1%.

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