Not sure which version of LibreOffice to download? Find out

When we go to the LibreOffice download website we can find different versions of this suite. Right now we can choose between 3 different versions, branch 7.2, 7.1 and 7.0, in addition to accessing the version history, and future releases. Why so many versions? Which one should I download?

Do you want to be trendy? Download the last

The developers of this office suite are constantly working on it, correcting errors and adding new functions that may be useful to us. If we have downloaded and installed the latest version, we will be able to enjoy all these news and know the true potential of this excellent alternative to Office.

Nevertheless, be up to date It has a price, and that is, in exchange for the latest news, we expose ourselves to possible failures, errors or performance problems that may affect the correct functioning of the PC. Little by little, these errors are being solved and making the suite more stable, but as new functions arrive we are also exposed to possible failures.

This does not mean that the suite is unusable, far from it. What’s more, this is the recommended version for most users who need an office suite for home use.

Do you want stability? Use the previous version

In addition to the latest version, those responsible for LibreOffice also maintain a version prior to it. If right now we have branch 7.2 as the most recent, we can also download 7.1. This version stands out for having received more minor bug updates (specifically up to 7.1.6) and for being a much more stable and bug-free version than the latest version.

This version ensures better performance, sacrificing the power to have the latest innovations introduced in version 7.2. It is the version recommended for business use, in environments where stability prevails over new features, and for those who do not mind going a step behind if, in return, they get a better program.

Other versions that we can download

In addition to the previous versions, The Document Foundation also has other versions that we can download. Right now, for example, it continues to support version 7.0, version even0 more stable than 7.1 as it has been available for a longer time, but already somewhat more obsolete. If we want, we can download any previous version of this suite, although it is not recommended since they do not have support and any security failure can endanger our PC.

Finally, we can also download the pre-release versions, the Release Candidates or “betas”, which allow us to test new features that are not yet available, but assuming many more errors and bugs as they are unfinished versions.

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