Stop Microsoft from spying on you when using Teams with these changes

Due to what we have been through lately with the global pandemic that has devastated us, online communication programs have grown exponentially. One of the leaders in the sector and the one that is most used at the moment is Microsoft Teamsa proposal that we will talk about next.

The truth is that, due to its enormous growth, there are several programs with these characteristics that we can use today. In fact, the software giant Microsoft initially offers us two very powerful and useful solutions of this type. One of them is the veteran Skype, and at the same time it offers us a more recent solution, Microsoft Teams. The latter is precisely what the firm is currently focusing on, sending improvements based on updates to its users.

But just like many of the Redmond firm’s products, one of the great fears of those who use the daily program is everything related to privacy. Like it happens with Google, for example, by default Microsoft collects a series of data from its customers, something that sometimes we try to minimize. And it is necessary to take into consideration that everything related to security and privacy is something that increasingly worries the majority.

Taking into account that here we work with a program whose operation is based on the Internet, we should take care of this section more than usual. It is precisely this that we will talk about next. delete personal data and prevent Microsoft from spying on us when using Teams. Let’s see how we can achieve this easily and affordably for everyone.

Clear data collected by Microsoft when using Teams

The first thing we need to know here is that the Redmond Giant by default collect a series of data usage of most of its applications and platforms. Of course, this extends to the aforementioned Teams program. However, even if it is a bit cumbersome, we have the possibility to minimize that data collection as much as possible. At this point the first thing we will do is access the program configuration window to communicate with others.

On the left side of this window we find a section called precisely Privacy. What we recommend in this section is to deactivate the selector that says surveys. By not participating in these surveys about the program that Microsoft sends us from time to time, we prevent the firm from knowing our own data. But that is not all, but we are also going to delete all the information collected so far by the company.

For all this that we tell you, what we can do is access the web of configuration of our privacy of Microsoft application services. This is something that we achieve through our favorite web browser where we can configure a multitude of parameters related to this topic. The section that interests us in this case is the one called Product and service activity.

Here we find a link to clean all the data collected by Microsoft in its applications, including Teams, just by clicking on Clear all service and app activity.

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